Rorschach Day today
I know you read my blog, aware of the part that is true, and what is in my fantasy....
So it is fitting that on Rorschach "day" I write my perspectives of Senior Citizen exercises at the Y.
Just as we see that ink blot differently through the various perspectives of our experiences, so I am sure you can see the Y for Seniors was eye opening.
My dear friend arranged an interview session, with a "trainer" to prepare us for use of the GYM, and to use the equipment. I have done that before. No problem, I thought. I have even done
"Curves". Not for a while, though.
The interview went fine, except, we had lists of ailments, medications, shoulder issues, problem knees, you name it, we had it.
We laughed, got out of breath listing how little we had exercised in the last year. Why were we there?
Good question. I wanted to regain my walking ability, which I had lost, I am always in deep pain. I want to increase walking time.
My friend wanted to lose weight. Sure, I could lose weight, but if I think about losing, I binge eat. If I am active, I stop wanting to eat, I am too busy. I allow myself to eat healthy, to rely on calm sense and common sense to guide me.
The outcome of this conference?
Our trainer suggests the Silver Sneakers "Classic Exercise Classes" at least twice a week for the next five months. Then come see him again. We are not even allowed into the GYM!
Well! I guess those machines are too fancy for us old people..maybe they are just afraid we will damage them!
So I go to a "Classic" on Thursday, and have to park really far from the front door. I am huffing and puffing when I get to the front desk, and the lady can hardy hear me ask for directions. She WANTS ME TO TAKE THE STAIRS????? But luck would have it, there is an elevator, and I can hold onto the railing, and slide out onto the soft chair at the entrance of the room, wait with some other really old people(I am not THAT old, am I?). People are walking in with canes, walkers, rollers with seats and tennis balls.
In the class that is still finishing there are people marching and waving their arms.
"That is the more advanced class," One Senior tells me, "They stand up the entire class. We get to sit down."
At the end of that class, I wait to enter, looking at the person holding the door for me, I do not notice the slight ramp into the room, catch my toe and nearly fall.
Each person gets a sturdy chair, I immediately seat myself behind a large post, because the entire wall at the front is a mirror. We are watching ourselves in "ugly full front reality" as we bobble and puff. Great.
I stand beside my chair and begin the march and toe tap, like a beginner in tap. I skip the arms, I barely get the foot job done.
"Are you new, Dear?" the instructor motions to me, "I don't think you can see me from behind the post. Come over here to this chair."
Rats. Foiled. My hair is at its worst. When is Liz coming to color it? Bedhead is haunting me again. and why did I wear horizontal stripes? Do my bras all look like they hang to my waist? Here we go with a rockette kick job to the front to the corner, oh my!
I check the mirror to see what the others are wearing, and see the lady with the cane is off on her own fantasy, dancing to the music and singing, looks like a routine she learned in grade school. The guy with the roller has a tremor in his hand but keeps on truckin', and there is a drooler in the the back. Everyone is in non matching outfits and white sneakers. Not a silver pair to be seen. Not many people have done their hair, but a few ladies have "perfect" hair. I wonder if their hair will be the same each week, or if this is the day they had it done.
I am annoyed that no one is quitting early, except the guy that did one step and said,
"I'm leaving, too many women around here!"
I figure he does that every time. Of the 35 people there, about 10 or more were men, so I don't think that was unusually unbalanced.
I did survive, and I was asked for my name so I will have a name tag next time I come. Many come daily, but I will be amazed if I make it twice a week as suggested. I do want to attend the weekly Yoga class, modified for Silver Sneakers. Let's see how it goes next week. I'll keep you posted.
So it is fitting that on Rorschach "day" I write my perspectives of Senior Citizen exercises at the Y.
Just as we see that ink blot differently through the various perspectives of our experiences, so I am sure you can see the Y for Seniors was eye opening.
My dear friend arranged an interview session, with a "trainer" to prepare us for use of the GYM, and to use the equipment. I have done that before. No problem, I thought. I have even done
"Curves". Not for a while, though.
The interview went fine, except, we had lists of ailments, medications, shoulder issues, problem knees, you name it, we had it.
We laughed, got out of breath listing how little we had exercised in the last year. Why were we there?
Good question. I wanted to regain my walking ability, which I had lost, I am always in deep pain. I want to increase walking time.
My friend wanted to lose weight. Sure, I could lose weight, but if I think about losing, I binge eat. If I am active, I stop wanting to eat, I am too busy. I allow myself to eat healthy, to rely on calm sense and common sense to guide me.
The outcome of this conference?
Our trainer suggests the Silver Sneakers "Classic Exercise Classes" at least twice a week for the next five months. Then come see him again. We are not even allowed into the GYM!
Well! I guess those machines are too fancy for us old people..maybe they are just afraid we will damage them!
So I go to a "Classic" on Thursday, and have to park really far from the front door. I am huffing and puffing when I get to the front desk, and the lady can hardy hear me ask for directions. She WANTS ME TO TAKE THE STAIRS????? But luck would have it, there is an elevator, and I can hold onto the railing, and slide out onto the soft chair at the entrance of the room, wait with some other really old people(I am not THAT old, am I?). People are walking in with canes, walkers, rollers with seats and tennis balls.
In the class that is still finishing there are people marching and waving their arms.
"That is the more advanced class," One Senior tells me, "They stand up the entire class. We get to sit down."
At the end of that class, I wait to enter, looking at the person holding the door for me, I do not notice the slight ramp into the room, catch my toe and nearly fall.
Each person gets a sturdy chair, I immediately seat myself behind a large post, because the entire wall at the front is a mirror. We are watching ourselves in "ugly full front reality" as we bobble and puff. Great.
I stand beside my chair and begin the march and toe tap, like a beginner in tap. I skip the arms, I barely get the foot job done.
"Are you new, Dear?" the instructor motions to me, "I don't think you can see me from behind the post. Come over here to this chair."
Rats. Foiled. My hair is at its worst. When is Liz coming to color it? Bedhead is haunting me again. and why did I wear horizontal stripes? Do my bras all look like they hang to my waist? Here we go with a rockette kick job to the front to the corner, oh my!
I check the mirror to see what the others are wearing, and see the lady with the cane is off on her own fantasy, dancing to the music and singing, looks like a routine she learned in grade school. The guy with the roller has a tremor in his hand but keeps on truckin', and there is a drooler in the the back. Everyone is in non matching outfits and white sneakers. Not a silver pair to be seen. Not many people have done their hair, but a few ladies have "perfect" hair. I wonder if their hair will be the same each week, or if this is the day they had it done.
I am annoyed that no one is quitting early, except the guy that did one step and said,
"I'm leaving, too many women around here!"
I figure he does that every time. Of the 35 people there, about 10 or more were men, so I don't think that was unusually unbalanced.
I did survive, and I was asked for my name so I will have a name tag next time I come. Many come daily, but I will be amazed if I make it twice a week as suggested. I do want to attend the weekly Yoga class, modified for Silver Sneakers. Let's see how it goes next week. I'll keep you posted.
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