
The story of our little "Thumbelina" starts at "Once upon a time", and runs along with the original version, where a Mother wishes she had a child, like "all the other Mothers in the village"....
Telling her to plant a flower,  a mysterious, cloaked woman comes to her, then  magically turns into the Fairy of Springtime.  The flowers and pixies of Spring watch the flower grow and open, to reveal a tiny child, THUMBLINA!

A Frog falls in love with Thumbelina, who is trapped on a lily pad, but helped to escape by the butterflies.  The Fairy of Summer brings birds to the meadow, and here is where our story takes a little twist...
 Even a June bug professes her love for Thumbelina, but her Ladybug friends drag her away, led by her BFF, another Junebug.

The Autumn Fairy shows the passing of time.
The Winter winds chase Autumn away, and the last bird of Autumn fights to leave, but is left freezing on the cold earth.
A "Millionaire Matchmaker" Mouse befriends Thumbelina, and plans for her Millionaire Mole to meet.
 Thumbelina is NOT impressed, but Mousie continues with wedding plans.
 Mousie and Mole have now hired  the Spiders for the wedding.  They are tailors for "Great Big Gypsy Weddings", and arrive with Thumbelina's wedding gown.  It is big and She does NOT like it.
The day of the Big Wedding arrives!  Thumbelina escapes.

Friar Frog is left standing prepared to marry a couple...without a bride!
"Millionaire Matchmaker" Mousie and Mr. Mole make a great pair, and decide they were "Meant for each other!"

Thumbelina is flown back to visit her friends, and  a tiny Prince appears, who asks her to be his princess!

