Thought we Truly Call Awesome
Just found a link, which I want to share, that uses the common phrase "awesome" for something it was truly intended. After you watch this, and it takes a few minutes, I hope you return and read my thoughts.
Some of my readers will consider that the astronauts returning to earth have had a religious experience, some reframing it into scientific terms, some into metaphysical terms, some with political ramifications.
What I mean is, we all have different perspectives of how to interpret and rephrase into our thoughts how we see what others tell us.
We see the world through our own eyes, and if we have been in space, we can view the earth from that new perspective, a distant frame.
A mind with religious hardware will fit the information into that menu, whereas the scientific mind leans toward the language of science. The artistic mind will explain life with art and the teacher will be compelled to find a student and a method of teaching. I am writing.
What happens often, which reoccurred throughout history, is that one faction politically imposed their beliefs onto the entire population, in order to create the change for the good of all.
How hard is it to make a change? Have you tried to change your eating habits, say cut out salt, or even cut DOWN on salt, or soda, or sweets? Avoid certain foods, or go to to gym regularly. Any behavior we try to change is difficult.
We act like that child at school, "If he just tried harder, he could get all A's!!!"
But you know too well, one day the dog ate the homework, the next day he forgets to hand it in, then the test was messed up because he misunderstood a few questions, or was angry. There you are, another C....
And you have a little thing called, your emotions. When you and happy and in the mood for work and play, you accomplish great things, but on a blue day when you have a headache or feel depressed, it takes all your energy just to stretch up on the tops of your toes, and grab the bottom of the barrel.
To impose laws, impose religious mandates, a police state, soldiers regulating civilian lives; this does not fit into what our society considers civilized today, but makes great material for movies.
But then we need to make a move into the actualization of our thoughts without top down controls. We need to create change from the inside of the individual for empathy toward others, and toward his planet earth.
We need to use teachers, artists, leaders, thinkers, photographers, writers, movers and shakers to activate our lives and motivate us to change our behaviors.
One might say, writers would fire us up, bring in the writers! Write like Harry Potter and another book like Silent Spring, by Rachael Carson. Change behavior by changing minds. But so many people don't read, so make movies, works of art that spread the ideas. Make fashions that spread the ideas, clothes, handbags, shoes with those themes. Not just to make money, but to bring important ideas into out center of thought.
Creators of games need to incorporate empathy as part of their point system. As of now I have not seen it. Stop paying for violence and bloodshed. Let the person that "saves" another get gold coins. The killers get...nothing. They get to sleep in cars, eat warm milk and cold donuts.
If he gives someone a drink of water, he gets an extra life. If he picks up a piece of litter, he gets a hamburger and fries. Let's clean up our thinking.
Use our motivational speakers to fire us up. They can get us started in the right direction without laws and police, making us feel like we should do what's right, just as the preachers on Sundays teach us what path to follow. Each person can hear the words in their own way, to move their own heart. Some by meditation, some by medication, to each his own.
If you actually read this far, you may ask yourself, "What is the point of this entry?"
Whenever I read ideas with great world implications, I worry that each person I know will understand them to mean, "We need more regulation of........(fill in whatever you feel is the problem: corporations, government, banks, big oil, terrorists, religious right, liberals, etc.)"
I feel differently. I feel we need more impact FROM the teachers, artists, writers, individuals, thinkers, workers, students, young people, old people, etc. We don't need laws, they produce conformity. We need diversity of thought and action. We need everyone to participate and fully get involved with the betterment of the earth.
Each Voice counts.
That would be AWESOME.
Some of my readers will consider that the astronauts returning to earth have had a religious experience, some reframing it into scientific terms, some into metaphysical terms, some with political ramifications.
What I mean is, we all have different perspectives of how to interpret and rephrase into our thoughts how we see what others tell us.
We see the world through our own eyes, and if we have been in space, we can view the earth from that new perspective, a distant frame.
A mind with religious hardware will fit the information into that menu, whereas the scientific mind leans toward the language of science. The artistic mind will explain life with art and the teacher will be compelled to find a student and a method of teaching. I am writing.
What happens often, which reoccurred throughout history, is that one faction politically imposed their beliefs onto the entire population, in order to create the change for the good of all.
How hard is it to make a change? Have you tried to change your eating habits, say cut out salt, or even cut DOWN on salt, or soda, or sweets? Avoid certain foods, or go to to gym regularly. Any behavior we try to change is difficult.
We act like that child at school, "If he just tried harder, he could get all A's!!!"
But you know too well, one day the dog ate the homework, the next day he forgets to hand it in, then the test was messed up because he misunderstood a few questions, or was angry. There you are, another C....
And you have a little thing called, your emotions. When you and happy and in the mood for work and play, you accomplish great things, but on a blue day when you have a headache or feel depressed, it takes all your energy just to stretch up on the tops of your toes, and grab the bottom of the barrel.
To impose laws, impose religious mandates, a police state, soldiers regulating civilian lives; this does not fit into what our society considers civilized today, but makes great material for movies.
But then we need to make a move into the actualization of our thoughts without top down controls. We need to create change from the inside of the individual for empathy toward others, and toward his planet earth.
We need to use teachers, artists, leaders, thinkers, photographers, writers, movers and shakers to activate our lives and motivate us to change our behaviors.
One might say, writers would fire us up, bring in the writers! Write like Harry Potter and another book like Silent Spring, by Rachael Carson. Change behavior by changing minds. But so many people don't read, so make movies, works of art that spread the ideas. Make fashions that spread the ideas, clothes, handbags, shoes with those themes. Not just to make money, but to bring important ideas into out center of thought.
Creators of games need to incorporate empathy as part of their point system. As of now I have not seen it. Stop paying for violence and bloodshed. Let the person that "saves" another get gold coins. The killers get...nothing. They get to sleep in cars, eat warm milk and cold donuts.
If he gives someone a drink of water, he gets an extra life. If he picks up a piece of litter, he gets a hamburger and fries. Let's clean up our thinking.
Use our motivational speakers to fire us up. They can get us started in the right direction without laws and police, making us feel like we should do what's right, just as the preachers on Sundays teach us what path to follow. Each person can hear the words in their own way, to move their own heart. Some by meditation, some by medication, to each his own.
If you actually read this far, you may ask yourself, "What is the point of this entry?"
Whenever I read ideas with great world implications, I worry that each person I know will understand them to mean, "We need more regulation of........(fill in whatever you feel is the problem: corporations, government, banks, big oil, terrorists, religious right, liberals, etc.)"
I feel differently. I feel we need more impact FROM the teachers, artists, writers, individuals, thinkers, workers, students, young people, old people, etc. We don't need laws, they produce conformity. We need diversity of thought and action. We need everyone to participate and fully get involved with the betterment of the earth.
Each Voice counts.
That would be AWESOME.
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