Thunder Baseball 2013, first game

The first scrimmage of the season was rained out. One year we had such bad rain that we didn't really get to play until a month into the season. But we were lucky this year in spite of cloudy weather; it was not raining Tuesday.

Weslee got all his clothes ready to go to the game but I was waiting for Brianna to text me to pick her up at the bus stop. She finally told me to pick her up and it was almost time for Weslee's game to start. On the way to the field coach Watson called and asked Weslee where he was. I dropped him off at the top of the field so he could run to make the first pitch. I parked and brought my special blue chair to sit near the third-base and watch the game.

We were playing Wyoming and I was glad it was overcast but the wind made it so chilly that I was wearing my winter coat.

The first inning Weslee batted first,  he wanted to bunt, but he was struck out. It ended up we got a couple of hits in the first inning and I believe two runs. The other team did not get many hits, because Mitchell was pitching really well.

In the next inning Weslee caught a pop-up fly.  He was playing second base, and he threw some nice balls to Pete  playing first base.  Our team had some nice hits. Joey made a nice hit, Mitchell hit it far, so did Zack and Myles.  I don't even know how many hits we got.  We ended up with a lot of runs. Three more runs, two more runs... Mitchell touched base. Big Country Jake belted it far out, made a run.   Pete touched base; there seem to be runs like crazy.

The other team didn't have much success hitting the ball although they got on base several times, they never made a run.  In the third inning all our outfield changed, giving some of the players on the bench a chance to play.   We reached the midpoint of the game and the score was eight to zero.  When batters came up and they made three more runs we shut the game down and and went home early.

It looks like baseball is off to a great start!
