
I can't forget what you said, or what you did.  I understand how you felt, but you cannot be a "friend" of mine, and feel that way.  Why would I want someone around me to send out those feelings, which just negates my own positive atmosphere?
Enough, I do not need to add to your group of well-wishers, your hangers-on, your adulation.  You are fine where you are.  I will take care of myself, and leave you where you are.  I do not need revenge, pay back or anything, I just cannot forget we have differing opinions and should not call ourselves friends.  No need to try.  At our ages, "WHY?"

I believe friends can have very different thoughts and points of view.  They will discuss their ideas openly, debating at times, differing at times, but always wanting the best for each other, in spite of the shifting waters of thought between them.  The question of a love interest may boil up between them dangerously, such as the question of religion or politics,   totally breaking  apart a friendship, never to be mended.

Some families even include the mantra, at every gathering, "Now remember, let's not start discussing politics, it's a holiday..."

LONG AGO the close lady friends at college had an agreement, that where a young man was concerned, it was acceptable to "ditch" your lady friend, to go with the young man that asked you to join him.  Interesting.  She was expected to find another young hard feelings.  So if you both had plans to go to a movie, but a young man called, it was okay to change plans and cancel on your GIRLfriend, to accept a date.

Loyalty was everything.  Secrets were shared, but not to be told to the person spoken about.  All the girls might know who you "secretly" had in your eye, without ever telling or calling, waiting and waiting to be called.  Of course, it was always the person that had NO idea you were interested, and who NEVER called.  In the same way, when a young man called, it was always the WRONG one.  "OH, NO!!!!,"  we would whisper amongst each other, "NOT him, he is not the right one.  He can't really want to go out with ME!  Now what?  Should I?  Or not...?"

This is where friends came in again, to advise, to discuss, and of course, if someone had already had their eye on him, HOW could we agree to accept when our good friend wanted to go out?  In this time GOING meant we WENT somewhere.  Today, it does not mean you go anywhere, but you just say you are a couple.  In my day, you "left" the house, and "went" to a restaurant, a movie, a park, took a walk, to a game, you went and did something together in a group.

NOW THAT I AM OLDER I enjoy field trips, going as a small group out to places with friends and enjoying their company.  I enjoy road trips.  I am looking forward to summer break.  I will enjoy seeing old friends at the same spot we visit each summer, renewing friendships that were begun over twenty years ago.  I look forward to those friends that invigorate and fill me with love and inspire me.  I do not need negative energy.  Good bye, adieu to those that can't laugh with me or hear me speak.
