Thank You Friends

March 11, 2013
Dear Michele and Alan,

Thank you cannot express how I feel about your kindness and help you gave me  last week!
I just cannot believe that while I was at work for those few hours you fixed that bathroom fan, and did all those other things I had NO IDEA you would help me with!
The mildew in the bathroom was so serious, and it is all gone.  Brianna insisted Alan had repainted, it looked and smelled so clean.  Even the old glue from the decals the old owner from ten years ago, we had never gotten off the bottom of the tub, was totally removed.  The tub gleamed, like never before.  The bath has a new life, like it has been remodeled.  Amazing...
We have used the exhaust fan after every use, and the room dries up without the steamy jungle effect.  I am sure we will not have the mold reappear soon.

And the rest of the house was also cleaned.  The garage was swept, laundry done, the kitchen cleaned, as was the family room, the living room, and every thing in neat order.  I came  from work to find even the refrigerator clean.  I was in "Heaven".

I immediately set the teens in the house to straightening their rooms.  Weslee did a quick and easy job, making his bed, doing his laundry, filling his drawers with clean folded clothes, and then cleaning his floor.  He was proud of the whole house.  Brianna was more complicated, requiring  more time and effort moving all sorts of things around before any progress was made.  I had to use co-ersion and spend a lot of time "playing games".  We are still not where I would like her to be.

Thom came over the other day to help clean out the basement.  We are throwing out a lot, cleaning and straightening there, too.
Thom is coming over tomorrow to help organize the yard in preparation for the spring.  He is a big help to me, as are Cassy, Erin,  and Liz when they can get time from their busy schedules.  I appreciate help from all those in keeping my house in repair, since it is a job bigger that I can do myself.

 I mostly want to Thank You both for your help and support in this issue.  In so many ways the bathroom exhaust fan was necessary not only for the  fact that you helped repair the fan, but it was a serious health issue, with the growing mold.  Cleaning that mold was a blessing to my family and totally out of my reach.

I feel so fortunate to have you in my life.
