Just read about the sonic booms in the Urals in Russia, where many were hurt when meteorites fell to the earth and the sonic booms caused windows to break, injuring hundreds.
Reminds me of last week...
"What just happened, Weslee?"
""I slipped, grabbed the shower curtain, and it all came down with me, but I'M ALL RIGHT!"
HELP....I run to see what's wrong. he can't finish his shower, the curtain is half in, half out of the tub, he is soaped up, and has to get ready for school. I can't believe he just "slipped".
"You were probably dancing, or shooting hoops!"
"NO! See this spot, where the mat is oval, and not covering the tub? I stepped THERE!"
A few years ago, when I ended up with back surgery, Cassy was kind enough to install a hose and shower handle for me, so I grab it, and start to hose the kid down.
"I'll help shower you off like they do in some third world countries, just finish your hair, and I'll rinse you off!"
Weslee is in to this, hopping and soaping, and singing.
"Many children around the world shower with a bucket in the out of doors, one time a week. Some soldiers even shower this way sometimes."
"Some children in the world wash under a bucket and they're black."
"I've seen it on TV."
I'll ask Liz or Thom to fix the curtain, now let's get you to school.
Liz could not stop laughing about his story, and she put up the curtain, Thom later adjusted the height back to where it used to be.
Last night I heard another loud sonic boom.
"I'm okay MOM, just almost killed myself in the tub! The shower curtain's down, though!"
I did not come save him, again, since he finished his own shower. It is becoming a regular thing, and he too old to have Mom shower him.
He can take care of himself these days.
He is just not quite tall enough to put the curtain up to the right height. I'll have to wait a few years. Maybe by that time he will stop tearing it down?
He is a RIOT! Only HIM would at HIS AGE do goofy stuff like that for your extra attention and then when he tells his friends about it, starts off with "My mom had to give me a shower..."!!!!!