Using our Universal Intelligence

It is not easy thinking about important issues, when emotions come into play.
One issue is "guns".
On the one hand, we want the "right" to own what we want to, and protecting ourselves is a right we intend to keep.
On the other hand, we feel the pain of the children and the victims, shot and maimed, by criminals, those that are mentally ill, and KNOW victims have met their fate unfairly.

It is however, not a straight line,  from one to the other, that if the "guns" are controlled, the shootings will end.  Nothing is that simple.  We can use our Universal Intelligence, and know that.

And then there is the "blame" game.  If you are NOT one of those wanting to control guns, you MUST be one of those to "cause" more shootings....or to "blame" for continuing the violence.  Again, let us just use our intelligence to confront those thoughts.

Nothing is that simple, or can be a direct cause and effect.  Some things just look more like a "web", with multiple circles, lines and arrows going this way and simple cause and effect possible!

We have to take into account the gangs and how they get guns , the kids that find guns at home where their parents have not locked them securely, or the mentally ill that go off medicine and go on killing sprees.  Those are the targets on which we need to focus.

Do I have a solution?  I do think we need to apply our Universal Intelligence to this one, and try to avoid getting mired into our emotions.  If we get caught up into our feelings for Sandy Hook, or other disasters, we will miss the true root of the matter, which is not the INSTRUMENT used, but issues our society needs to address.

What a great out shoot of those shootings, if we attack our societal problems with vigor!
Let us get the kids on the street corner, headed for gangs, into clubs and athletics instead.  Let businesses and corporations give them jobs, and thereby discourage robberies.  "JOBS, NOT ROBS"...
Let us get those mentally ill back on their medicines with caring clinics and social workers aware of their clients.
Let us get parents responsible for locking and securing every gun in their collection, keeping all ammunition under separate lock and key.

I believe some of our problems come directly from flying off the handle, and reacting emotionally and not using our UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE to find solutions to these difficult problems.
Let us teach mediation, solving problems between people in peaceful means.

But isn't it SO much simpler to just accuse the ammunition for the problem, and ban that, or the gun.  It is a Band-Aid solution to a problem that needs a LOT more work from all areas of our society.  People would rather just do a quick fix, shove it aside and go back to their old ways.

"The Congress passed a Law!"
"Well, that fixes it."

Do you really believe it will?
