What I thought...

I was wondering how everyone would not think what I thought...
How could you not get the point of Christmas?

It is about a birth, a Mother and a child.
It is about an adoption story, another adoption story, as was the adoption story of Moses.

It is about a Star in the sky leading shepards and Kings to a lowly place of birth, not a palace or even a fancy inn.  A STAR leading us to honor, a family.

And it is about the first gifts given to a baby, who cannot understand those gifts, but the giver wants to share with another their wealth.  By wealth I mean we all have something to give, ideas, gifts of service, gifts of our handicrafts.
We all have gifts, and we all have ways to give to others.

And then it is about Joseph being the Father to a son, taking him and caring for him because he is his own.

So Christmas is our own story, the story of each of us, the stories of our lives as individuals, as we grow into families, nurture our children and honor our Fathers and Mothers, whether they are adopted or not.
The story of Christ shows, this is the "REAL", and "NATURAL" one.
This is where the STAR leads us.
