I substitute teach. The traditional behaviors of students can be challenging toward any substitute, but I suggest that it depends a lot upon what the school and the teachers are willing to do that will make the substitute a true part of the system, not an outsider.
I would be willing to give teachers and staff a workshop in how to create a failing environment for the substitute, or a successful one.
Here are my thoughts.
The truth is, no teacher actually "controls" the students or the "classroom" any more than you can "control" another person. You only control yourself.
You control the situation in that, the teacher needs to be given certain important information in order to do a good job.
Knowledge is Power.
1. We need the significant health information about each health challenged child.
In a special ed class, the important health details for students are listed in the classroom, so that a seizure, diabetic snacks, fainting, or even sounds that set off a blind student are made available to every helper and visitor! Teachers should NOT enter a room of children and not know that a child needs a control shot of diabetes in an hour, or an inhaler when they wheeze! That is a matter of health. Yet every day we are sent into a classroom without information that might impact the health of a child.
2. We need to establish a relationship with each person. The FIRST thing they ask US is, "What's your name?" And we need to learn student names.
We can not when we are not given the children's names, their scheduled activities or specials, so that we know what they are doing for the day.
The teachers that give the most details are the easiest to substitute, even though we sometimes do not need all the information. It is available in an emergency.
3. Students see the substitute as ineffectual, when they do not know details of the classroom, and then lack their respect. If we do not have those details we need, we can not gain that respect.
We need to know:
A. How to call the office, how to answer the intercom.
B. How this classroom sends notes to the office, chooses "line leaders", has bathroom breaks, etc. Write it down, make it evident. Don't rely on students to tell. They all have their own version!
C. Rules for Independent Reading, working with others, or special work plans, class rules you have.
4. Work assigned should be suitable for the students.
A. Assigning lots of worksheets will not keep students busy, as they tire of doing the same thing over and over. However, if you alternate close and far work( or reading out loud, and worksheets), students will be kept busy.
B. Worksheets with complicated directions are a disaster, since they will take a lot of time to decipher, and the time allotted not work within the time frame. Rather give pages of single math addition problems, division, or such, than a page where you go to the top to read that at the middle there is a puzzle where you find letters that you color(take out markers) then color the shapes of a certain math answer, which then is cut out(get scissors) and glued(get out glue). This is a disaster to the sub, who does NOT know where the spare supplies are, and there are always students without their supplies, and messes everywhere, and students do not know what they are doing, gluing things to their head, and other peoples' desks.
An Example of a suitable assignment: Substitute hands out blank paper(or students use writer's journal) and pencils(if they have colored pencils, they can use them), and draw a picture as the teacher reads a story. The story can be a chapter from a book they have been reading regularly in the class, or simply a book the regular teacher chose. At the end of the chapter, they write about the story, describing their drawing. The advantage to this assignment is, that the teacher has this available at all times, for the substitute, and it is suitable at all times, no matter what time of the year it is needed. Neither students nor substitute will perceive this as make-work.
An Example of a suitable assignment for a science period: Substitute hands out blank paper and pencils. Fold paper into into 4 sections, halves, and halves again. On each section you draw the observation you study- the seasons? Photosynthesis? the stages of the moth? whatever they are studying...the parts of the cell? and label the parts- of course you use the other side for the other four parts, or as needed. Fold together. Can also be used for vocabulary words or math. No cutting needed.
Remember, when students are handed a worksheet, the work is done. When they are handed a blank sheet, they add the words and pictures with their own hands and minds.
4. To teach a class and gain respect, a substitute needs to develop a personal relationship with each student. A personal relationship is what the teachers have, the principal has, the parents, the other students and the staff have. If the substitute does not, they will not have RESPECT. It is undermined if the staff and the regular staff insist on respect, JUST BECAUSE, or if ultimatums are set. It is undermined if students are corrected by others when in the classroom with a substitute. Another teacher can come into the classroom, but should ask, "May I help with something?", and I will bet there will be an issue . But to interfere without asking the person in charge, the substitute, is a sure way to undermine that authority the substitute is attempting to gain.
5. The students are not to blame if a classroom is out of control, when a substitute is in the room.
Look to the original classroom teacher.
A. Did s/he prepare detailed notes for the substitute?
B. Did s/he set rules and boundaries for students in her classroom which any teacher could follow?
C. Are there clear and equal treatment of students which another teacher would normally use?
Often I find that teachers with problem students treat them differently, and then the substitute will have issues. It is possible that the teacher is not aware they have a "pet" student, or a "not so favored" one. When we inadvertently choose that student to be a leader, we are committing such a faux pas, that we lose great respect. However, this is not a normal situation, and teachers should not have favorites or scapegoats. I see it all too often, and am warned by the students about my errors. It does make me sad.
Suggestions I have to make it possible for success without misbehaviors in the classroom:
1. Give substitutes a short introduction to how the school runs: policies, intercoms, emergency drills, etc that are usually given to staff.
2. All essential health information (allergies, etc.) listed in substitute folders.
3. Teachers provide class rosters for all classes, and those that switch classes.
4. Teachers provide lists of specials, map of room numbers and where classes are held if they change year to year
5. Any classroom where there is unusual noise or problems, go to the substitute FIRST, ask if they are needed- then talk to a students if teacher wants it.
6. Leave work that is age and level appropriate, some extra work is great, but a lot of busy work leaves the students frustrated and worn out. Variety is better. Some talk, some reading, some writing, some variety. All should be of value, none of it should feel "this is just to keep us busy". Remember some of us substitutes have degrees. I have a M.A., MS in Ed, so I am just about able to deal with any subject.
7. Indicate which TV or computer you want the DVD or movie to be shown. Often a room has multiple viewing screens.
8. Indicate a student who can be asked for help with the electronics. Computers, DVD's and Big Boards sometimes don't work, and a responsible student would be helpful at those times.
9. Don't have substitutes use tickets of candy as rewards. They DO NOT work!!!!!
It may work for you, but for the substitute they are counterproductive. In the real world, the reward is attached to a relationship, and when there is no relationship with the substitute teacher, the reward is not of value. It would be better for you to say, "When we have a substitute, EVERYONE will get a ticket, UNLESS your name is on a list from the substitute. If you misbehave I will withhold your ticket for the day."
Another idea, would be to say, "If the entire class shows respect, and I only hear positive remarks, everyone will get candy when I return". The classroom teacher is the value, and the reward from them will give the value to the candy or the ticket.
One time I was giving out tickets, and one student was sure the neighboring girl had his ticket. For about twenty minutes all we did was deal with the argument over the ticket. Twenty students were unable to study, work, or learn, all because we were fighting over a ticket. Not just because of this fight, but because they divert our thinking away from learning to "winning" something. They are put in a bowl, and on Friday those that are pulled out of the bowl win prizes. Other teachers hand out candy; that is more direct, but again I would NOT do that. I see these tiny reward tokens as destructive and counterproductive, because they divert our thinking away from learning to "winning" something.
In summary, there is so much schools can do to improve the classroom situation for the substitute teacher. If possible, a workshop for a few hours before the start of the school year for teachers and substitutes together would be great. If we all got on the same page we would work together and make the classroom a better place!
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