Back to Basics New Year

Christy says we have to get "Back to Basics" in the New Year.
I'm not so sure 2013 is any different from any OTHER beginning of the year.
In fact, I had sort of, well, just given up resolutions, since I just never follow through anyway.

Then I thought, this might just be a good idea, and started with a basic list.

Back to Basics, 2013:

There you have it.  I can do that, and I need to improve in all those areas.

After a bit of thought, I added a couple more:

Think twice, talk less.
Move, LOTS.
Think BEFORE you eat.

As for the sleep part, maybe I should cut back on the FB and Words with Friends, Puzzle games, and get into bed before eleven.  That's a reasonable goal.
But there I am, getting too specific, and probably going to stay up way past midnight writing anyway...
