Script of my life?

So I imagine some day  to write a script of my life, probably  for a TV series, the name of which evades me. Maybe you could come up with a good one?

"Dance Mom" is taken, but might be close to what part of my life is.

First, I was born in the war in Berlin, Germany, where my Mother had been famous as a ballet teacher, movie star, dancer in tap and Spanish dance, and where my Father was Missing in Action somewhere.
On the trip to America we almost sank on the ship, the "Ernie Pyle".
We lived in Cincinnati from the first, since my Aunt Barbara and her family lived here.

My Mother built a wonderful ballet school and ballet companies here, while I taught and learned by her side.

Nearly every summer we would spend in Eagle Bay, New York, where my Mother taught ballet, first at the girls' camp, Moss Lake Camp, and then when it was taken over and burned down by the Indians, she opened her own camp.

For two years I taught college French in Tarkio, Missouri, and then came back to Cincinnati.

I taught French at Princeton High School, and was active skiing during the winter, where I met Jim.
We married in 1973, and our daughter was born in 1975.

Not blessed with anymore children, I was determined to have a larger family.
In 1985 we started adopting children, with a brother and sister, ages 4 and 6.  Five years later we adopted a seven year old boy, and continued so that we fostered or adopted children the next twenty years.  We adopted eight  special needs children in all.   Jim and I also led discussions for adoption groups, for education and couples considering adoption throughout those years.  Jim also spent many of these years as a small business owner, while I taught ballet.  He ran more political campaigns as a Libertarian than anyone I know, maybe than Ron Paul?

My Mother died in 2002.  Soon thereafter Jim and I separated, and I moved to Finneytown  with three boys under eighteen.  I also adopted another girl as a single  retired parent.

I am at present Ballet Mistress at the Ballet studio,and teach a Ballet 2, a teen and adult class, and an advanced class.  I substitute teach in the neighborhood schools to make ends meet.  We all know how expensive it is raising teenagers these days.

My retirement is spent writing, teaching ballet, taking my son and daughter to their activities, contacting teachers about classwork, doing homework assignments, crocheting or knitting, and spending time with my dog, Chester.
I go to the Y for water aerobics, go out to eat with friends, talk a lot with my daughter who is a pet detective in California, and substitute teach when called.

The interesting part this TV series would have a story about one of the children I adopted, and the visit with the therapist, or to juvenile court, the next script could be the substitute's day at school, the next script at the ballet school...or why not all three together?  Once you became familiar with the characters, the stories could evolve from their various situations.
 That is my life, with Chester and a little knitting thrown in the mix.
