Home- Game number three

Just got home after a long day, and have a fan blasting me.  Chester sits in his new hair do on the sofa, looking like a new dog, never had it cut quite like this...
We had a bite to eat at Chipotle's after the game; it's healthy and did not want to cook...
But I digress, let me start with yesterday at  the beginning.

Last night Wes came home with a red shirt.
"This year we get TWO shirts", he announced.  "White for away, and red for home games."

I watch the shirt slip onto his back.  It's the number 17, his lucky number from last year!
"The coach let us pick a red number," he says, "And I picked last year's number.  Is that okay?"

 I was glad, since I have a shirt with "Berns  17" on the back.  I intend to wear it to home games, useless without him in that number again this year.

I got that substitute call, and accepted.  I need every extra work I can get.  I would be teaching social studies.  I went in to the High School in the morning.  The classes this teacher  taught were four hours of eighth grade history and two classes of high school government.  I must say I enjoyed learning about the Jamestown settlements, learning the vocabulary, watching the video(quite dated in the format), being there.  I loved it when the students saw my Finneytown red-white-light blue  fingernails, were respectful and polite, talked in normal voices, showed how young men and women can learn about how amendments are ratified.  I did not like it when some show offs tried to disrupt the class to either get attention or make everyone laugh.  It was hot today, and it did not create harmony or peace in our room.  It was disconcerting and disagreeable.  Loud voices were piercing and discordant, students moved around and it was hard to do work in that environment.

Each class had a different temperament.  Some classes enjoyed the quiet and harmony.  In others a student or two would use a kind of guerrilla warfare, take over the peace and quiet, and that would end the equanimity.  It takes so little to disturb balance.  It takes so much to achieve it.  Such is the case in the world in general.  It is so between countries, and that is what causes war.  It takes so little.
I am a hard worker.  I am willing to try again, to make this work another time.  I do need to know more about the students personally.  I am by nature a peacemaker.

Our first home game, number three against Three Rivers Hornets, is right after school.
After school Weslee finds me closing up the room, "I can't find my pants!  Can you go home and look for them?"
I rush home and start to search. The garage, no, the kitchen, no, the TV room, no.... the phone rings, "Mom, where are you!"
"I'm trying to look for your football pants."
"Look in the garage."
"I did."
"What about the kitchen?"
"I did.  You put them in the black bag this morning.  What was in the black bag?"
"Just my chest protector!"
"Where else did you look?"  I put the phone down to search his room, from where  I hear him yelling through the receiver,  "MOM! MOM!"
I run back to the phone, "I found them.  They were in my backpack!  Thanks, Mom, I love you!" Click.

The game begins at five, and luckily Dianne has lists of the white and red numbers of our team for each of the families.  We can cheer for the players by name.  We really like to personalize football here!
The first plays show us that the Three Rivers Hornets are strong, and that whey can move our players, and that our players can move them.  When we get the ball, number twenty, Enoch, runs it in for a touchdown, and we make the conversion, and we are on the board for eight points. In the next quarter the Hornets make a touchdown, and convert, so that it is eight all.  I believe shortly after this, that Weslee gets the ball in a pass play, runs to the other side of the field, and is tackled.  He does not get up.  The coach runs over, the trainer runs over, and what seems like forever, he does not get up.  When he does, he walks off on his own, we clap, but then sits down, moves his head around and the trainer, Josh puts ice on the side of his neck.  He does not play in this game again.  Lucky 17 is out of this game!!!!
The game continues with the Finneytown red Wildcats doing a great job keeping the black and yellow Hornets stuck in one spot on the field.  We score again, we tackle, Enoch, number 20 runs and weaves, and makes great plays.  Zach makes great hits.  One great catch by Hayden is way near the goal line, but not quite a touchdown.  Then there is another near touchdown by Mitch, number 10.  I believe he made two touchdowns in this game, or maybe it was conversions.  He was tough!

Then there was a double play.  Let me explain this one...Number 25, Ryan Witt, picked off a pass, and ran about 50 yards for a touchdown, but it was called back.  It happens.  Not to be outdone, they call a pass the very next play, throw it to number 25, who runs it in for the touchdown!
I should mention how crafty and capable the quarterback is on our team.  Kenny can run, tackle, throw, he just does it all.  If there is no one to throw to in the field, he goes with it making an amazing run!

If you are a bit bored by all this explanation of the plays, you should have been there, because Coach Longbons was the announcer, and he made us all laugh.  He made it exciting.  It was not just what he said, but how he would pause, the way he reported the action on the field, it made the game a lot more fun than just another football game.  I just don't know if  Wide World of Sports would approve...

And the final score was 42 to 14, a wonderful win for the Wildcats, running across the field to ring the victory bell, the cheerleaders looking all spiffy in those sharp new uniforms, and then off to the victory arch back to the locker room.

A game to remember!  Thanks to all the coaches and trainers keeping our young men in fit shape and training them to succeed!
