Too Busy to Blog

I know my readers have been waiting with "baited breath" for my next blog, wondering, "why such a long pause between blogs????"

I have been running Brianna to her bridge program, which required special clothes and supplies, shoes.  She is not always easy to buy for and with.  The bridge  prepares students at her new High School for the work section of the week, where they go into a company, store, hospital or whatever individual assignment, to do their job.  It is this special school that I found, DePaulCristoRey, which I believe is the best idea since individualized instruction.  The earnings are then used to pay the school their tuition for  academic work, the other four days of the week.  About 89% of the students continue into college, and enroll with a complete work resume.

Then there is Weslee, who just finished with constant baseball games,  second in the city tournaments.  I did write a blog about the Thunder.  He was also playing Sunday basketball, and driving him to his friends' houses with their activities was difficult, then Middle School football begins!  He decided he wanted to join fall baseball,  which practices on Saturdays, plays on Sundays.  He is going to some sport every day but Friday, when he usually spends time with his Dad.  His interest in sports spills over into all he does.  When he is home we are always talking about the sports events of the day, how the Reds are doing, who is batting what, and which basketball team is playing well.
 "Who's your favorite basketball player of all times?", he will ask me.
"The 'Big O'", I answer.

Oscar Robertson

He looks puzzled.  "I like Kobe Bryant.  I used to like Lebron, before he left his team... "

And then there are THE OLYMPICS....
Not that I watch all the time, because I just get so into the sports.  It really does not matter who is playing, I worry about the individuals.  If they win or lose, I just feel for their hard work, their spirit, their hard work, their training, their hard work, you know what I mean.  Just to get to that position meant they had to do so much work.

I got really interested in the rowing.  I thought, "That is something I could do, sitting down, in a boat, moving my arms and legs, working hard.  I really like the look of that sport."

Right then and there I decided to start training.  The next summer Olympics is in Rio, and  four years from now.  I will be only seventy three.  I think I can manage that.  I do have a little weight to shed....but I know it is possible.
I immediately asked some friends if they wanted to join me in my boat, and I got a few "yeses".

I think we need some kind of a corporate sponsor (is that allowed?).  It is so expensive to fly and stay in Rio, since I am retired, living on a fixed income.

Then I saw the rower from Niger. Of course, he was sent because there were no lakes in his country, and few teams to send.  But he did succeed!  If he can do it, so can I.

Issaka from Niger in single sculls

I had LIZ! pull my Gazelle out from under the futon in the TV room, set it up, and I swooshed for a few minutes in the family room.  I built up a real sweat...and did it again and again.  I know this is not rowing, but there is a problem.

You see, I can not get down onto the floor, or get into a rowing machine.  I have been unable to get up and down since my knee replacement, and  my neck operation.  I had a cyst removed from my neck, and I have limited movement down or up in my back.

I wonder if they could hoist me into a rowboat from the dock, since I could not get down into the boat, but once there, could not get up out of it without mechanical help.

I definitely could do the whole thing in a laz-y-boy recliner.
