Customer Service

Some person "broke" my dust pan.  It is not easy to do that, but it no longer stood straight and tall, and I like to be able to sweep the dirt into the pan by myself, standing, so I wanted a new one.  Liz was off to the store to find me a replacement, texting me, "Conway and the Dollar store don't have any."
She went to Dollar General, in the spot where Lenscrafter used to be... and returned with a Mr. Clean shiny blue standing dust pan.  Beautiful!
It works and I was able to sweep up the kitchen again, where I had spilled some rice from the delicious chicken and rice I made the other day.

  Chicken and Rice
   Pour one cup rice into 11x13 inch pan, add 1 cup water, 1 can cream of chicken soup,
   Cover with chicken slices, sprinkle one envelope dried onion soup over it, cover with foil,
    Bake 1 hour at 375 degrees, uncover and brown.

The dust pan has a sticker on the handle with a customer service phone contact number.  I can understand customer service for computers, appliances and televisions.  I do wonder about customer service for a dust pan.   I wonder where the operators are standing by, waiting for our calls, prepared for our questions.

"How does this thing work???"
"How can I empty it?"
"How many people does it take to use a dust pan?"
"Where is the cord?"

Do they hire people in foreign countries to answer the phones, and do they prepare them for the questions?  I can see that my teens could not be qualified as you would have to have at least a college degree to have vocabulary explaining how to use and put away the dust pan.  We have just evolved too far.

Good luck on this one, Customer Service reps.


  1. *NOT* where LensCrafters used to be...that is ALSO a Family Dollar like at Brentwood...the Dollar General is where the laundry mat and health food stores used to be on North Bend!


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