New Quilt

So happy with the new knitted blanket that goes in the living room.  It is the warm autumn colors that I love to have around me and make me feel warm when my eyes look at it, before it even covers me.  It has the color of the sofa, blue, the wall, brown, the chair, mahogany, the curtains, teal, and so summarizes my room quite well.
I even had a bit of yard left over, so I decided to knit a bit more, and make a scarf, using the same quilted pattern, which is coming along quite nicely, but not quite finished., as pictured on top of the quilt.  Somehow the cellphone does not do the colors of the yarn justice, a Kodachrome would be much brighter and shout out at you through the page!

The needles are actually sticking through a beautiful purple, the edging is moss green, teal, taupe, rust, red, blue, and purple.  Colors just won't come through right.

Must get going this morning- teaching for another teacher this morning, and then having my bumper replaced.  Had a fender bender a few weeks ago, and need to keep the old car in good shape.  She has 108,000 miles on her, and I do NOT want to lose her since she is so essential to my good life.

Have been considering what to buy next, looking around, considering all sorts of possible cars, but it is hard to decide what would suit me.  Everything is so expensive, and I have NO money!  Must rush off, next entry soon-
