Your Rich Uncle

What if your Rich Uncle, maybe you did not even realize you had one, came to visit, and gave you a check for....$5000.00.   Just BECAUSE, and said, he wanted you to do something for yourself, to make you happy.

You thank him and go to a quiet place in the house, the den, where there are a lot of books on shelves, and decide, "I'm not going to spend this, just yet.  I will wait and think about how to spend it.  If I did not have it, I would still have the same bills and expenses.  I want to think about this!"

You pick a book, and slip the check in between the pages, and slide the book back onto the shelf.  It will be safe for now. No one will know, not even the children.

Maybe I will spend it on a make over, with new clothes, hairdo, fingernails.  A long trip to a spa, where massages and restful lunches by the pool are a daily experience.  Which spot in the country, or out of the country do I want to visit?  I have been hit on this blog by so many places, do I want to go there?  Brunei, Qatar,  South Africa, Australia, New Zealand?

My car is now reaching over 106,000 miles.  I should be looking at buying a new car. Is that what this money would be best used for, a down payment for just the right car for me for the next five years?

I have wanted to host a family reunion with all my children meeting in a resort town such as Myrtle Beach.  We could rent a cabin on the beach, spend a wonderful week getting to know each other, and enjoy the beach.  It would be a special time for us all, as adults to rekindle relationships that have ended because of distance or coming of age.

I am sure we all have a special interest or charity to support.  I might feel best sending money to fund that charity, rather than using money just for me.  I love watching birds, support Feederwatch, and want to continue sending support to The Nature Conservancy (  They purchase land, then preserve the habitat for the birds and wildlife so that plants and animals continue to live there.  It is a straight forward plan, and every penny makes a difference.  In Arizona the wild areas help preserve the hummingbird habitat.   Money could be donated to the charity of your choice and make a positive impact in whichever direction you chose.

There can always be a plan to invest your money, with the intention of having it grow.  When you spend the money you have, it is gone.   End of story.  When you invest, there is a plan to make more, and then use it at another time.  In this economy you should also consider the possibility of investing and losing money.  I know because that is what my investments have consistently done over the past years.  I think I will leave this choice for those who invest with better knowledge that I have.

Spending some money for remodeling a part of the house is always an option.  Do I want a nicer carpet, a better kitchen?  Should the family room or the basement be worked on?  Now a days it takes a pile of money to remodel a room.  The bathroom would be from $10,000 to $50,000  with the fixtures(or more).  With housing so depressed, it does not make sense to put a lot of money into a house when you will not get the money out of the house when you sell it.  The only reason you would remodel, is for your own satisfaction, and you would ignore the fact that you may not recoup that cost later on.

Let's face it.  We don't have a Rich Uncle, and if we did, we probably would forget in which book we hid that check.  By the time we figured out how we wanted to spend the money, tore through all the books, finally found the check, the 90 days were up, the check was no longer good, and we did not have Uncle's phone number or address to ask him to rewrite the check...or we were too embarrassed to ask.

 We should just pretend we have that check hidden in a book, and start reading all those books we have in the den.  What are they there for, if not to enjoy and read.  One day, we may come across a check, and if we have been making that list of "What we will do with the money our Rich Uncle gave us!" we will be ready to spend it.   After all, everyone has a Rich Imagination!


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