February 14 News 2012

What is on everyone's lips is the sudden passing of a great singer, musician, actress at a young age.  Shock and disbelief.  Media reporters and famous People  uttered sympathetic phrases searching for meaning to comfort or find some solid ground where there is none.
Beauty is in the Art, in the song, in the love of the music which we hear and give to another.  It lives forever.
Life is in the details, in the exquisite refinements that are so unique to the individual.  It makes our heart skip a beat.  For one person that certain song, that certain chanteuse, it is just so.

Details, it is not just the huge event that makes us amazed:  it is the tiniest detail.  Everyone talks about "the entire package", but if we just look at one detail, we will be amazed.

It is our joy in life to see details.  I watch birds, and just  compare details of feathers, behavior and size, so that I can figure out which bird I am watching.  It is not so easy to do, even with a manual and lots of hours of practice.  I have a squirrel wrestling mania at the window most days, and the starlings join in, for a bit of the action.  The Starlings fight for the suet, while the squirrels want it all, tube feeders, suet, and the little cup of peanuts.  Visualize one fat grey squirrel on top of the pole, chucking at me, while one is hanging from his hind legs, sucking seeds out of the red tube, another is on the ground eating what that squirrel spills, starlings fighting for the suet, and  brown-sides another squirrel hanging head down from the green feeder, pulling out seeds, while the fifth smaller squirrel is sitting on the trellis, waiting his turn.  There may not be any seed left!  Birds do stop by, but their stay at the feeders is short, since they have to fight off the other larger animals.  That is why I started to grease the pole.  It slowed the squirrels, and they could only move up and down at a rate that allowed the birds to feed.

At my last visit to Wild birds Unlimited, the Birdman suggested a different kind of birdseed.  He said, this kind of seed the squirrels did not eat.  Hummmmm.  Really!

He said that song birds love it just as much as the sunflower seed and the millet, but the squirrels won't touch it.
Hummmmm.  I MUST try that!

So today I am so enjoying the bird watching!  I am trying just a fourth of the amount of birdseed in the tube feeders.  The squirrels have already fought with the starlings for the suet feeders, thrown it onto the ground, opened it and it is eaten.  However, after 4 or 5 visits up and down the pole(which I did not grease this time!) they checked out the seed and left....amazing.

Not many house sparrows have been by.  No starlings have visited me this time, but the cardinals and the chickadees are having a wonderful time at the feeders.  A Downy Woodpecker also ate from the feeder, even though there was no suet left for her, crashed and burned on the ground as it twas.  I also have a lot more seed left, since the squirrels are not just throwing seed willy-nilly onto the ground.  I think this is a winner.  It is a small white seed, half the size of a sunflower seed, called:  safflower seed.

You were expecting something about St. Valentine's Day?  Well, I love my birds, and this is my gift to the birds.  I recall a lovely Valentine's Day, about 40 years ago, and that was nice.  I guess once a lifetime will be a fond memory....leave that holiday for the young and foolish.  I am happy for the birds.
