
If you have a clearly defined faith in a specific God, or a general belief in the clockwork of the Universe, sometimes it seems like the force that put it all into motion is speaking to you as an individual.  Are we listening?      The birds sing to us, the children speak and ask questions, but do we hear?

I substitute in our schools a few days each month, and a young man questions me.  "Do you know my name?"

Of course, I know his name.

 "Do you know my name?, he asks the second time I have him in class.
 Again, meeting him in the school yard, after school.  "Do you know my name?"

The universe is tugging at my shirt, to tell me something.  Curious,  I go  find the meaning of his name, the history of his name.  It is LONG!

Elijah is a prophet in the Jewish tradition, the Christian Bible, the Qur'an, a Prophet in many other religions.  He appears in art work, in Greek myths, throughout history.  It is amazing.  "Jehovah is God" is one meaning of the name.

I want to tell that child,  to be important like his name.  We should remember HIM, not just his name.  One day he should be visiting the President, being honored for his discoveries in medicine or the books he has written.  His name should be the harbinger for what he will accomplish.

I will not forget him.  Maybe that is why he asks me so often, because others are not listening?  Maybe others hear only his disruptions and his annoying questions. He has so much to give, we need to listen to him carefully, hear his plea for recognition.

Does he realize how great his name is?  How great he can be, if he believes in himself?  Some one gave him the gift of a powerful name.  Someone made him a force to be reckoned with, he needs to wield it and use it for good.

  I have adopted children, but have given birth names to only two of my children.    I must tell one of my sons how fortunate he is that his birth mother gave him his name.
 His name is Elijah.  
