Been Away

It started with a busy day conference with Weslee's teachers after school Thursday, teaching ballet, rushing home and dropping like a rock into bed.  I awoke Friday sick and running to the bathroom.  It continued all day Friday.  I just hope I did not pass this illness to any students(we shall see). I hope they are not infected,  at school..or did I get it there?

So I had to cancel the weekend visit with Brianna, the ballet events Saturday at the studio, I even missed the basketball game.

Weslee's team won, and his regular coach was not there the first few minutes.  Weslee said he scored an "OH NO-YES" basket, which was, his first three pointer.  He re-enacted it for me a few times with the dance he did (actually did NOT do on the court, since it is not allowed).  HE IS SINGING,

Bird drama this morning is intense, since Birdman Dan, from WildBirds, unlimited, sold me a new kind of bird seed.  This seed squirrels hate, but birds love.  Interesting, since the squirrels run and climb to eat it, (then DON'T!)  Starlings and squirrels are fighting for the suet, but ignoring the seed this morning.  We shall see if the birds get seed this time!

Since I have been so sick, I was not on the computer at all since Friday, or for three days.  That is a lot for me!  I did try four times to write a blog entry on Thursday, but the blogspot would not publish it.  I hope this will work!!!!
The other day some one from Qatar hit my blog, and I wrote a brief entry about the size(a little smaller than the state of Connecticut) and the language and history of the country.  I included a few pictures.  It is a small peninsula off the north coast of Saudi Arabia, which I found quite interesting.  Our country has close ties to Qatar, in such a strategic location, where we get gas and oil.

I am still a little off, but trying to get back to myself.  I did keep up with laundry, watched some "Law and Order",  did my nails.

Chester was a riot.  He kept whining;  he wanted to go out.  He wanted to play;  he wanted a treat.  He wanted to run in circles, he was just annoying.  I did not know what he wanted.  He had me up and down like a yo-yo trying to figure out what he wanted.  Why can't he talk????? I finally made him lie down in the other room and threw treats to him when he was quiet.

I am looking forward to this Saturday, the last regular basketball game for the Weslee's season, and then the baseball season starts.  We had to superglue his shoes, and we need to buy the next set for the new season.
 The cardinal loves the new seed.  No squirrels to scare him off.  But the suet feeder already fell to the ground and broke open.  Too many fighting squirrels and starlings on it this morning.  I need a better system to allow woodpeckers to get to eat some during the day!
Birds are dive bombing through the yard.  What is happening?  Goldfinch are really territorial, and they are not happy when others try to eat at "their" feeder when they are eating, or have they claimed  and are protecting their mate?  It is February 13th, and Valentine's Day approacheth...
