New Views

I see my blog from a new perspective each time a hit comes from a new country.  I was hit this  month from Peru, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, and Poland.  This last hit, from POLAND is exciting.  My friend's family is  of Polish descent,  her father visits there regularly.  My Father is of questionable Polish descent, meaning there is a part of Poland which has forever moved borders, and the towns were of different nationalities depending on which year you spoke!  Any border cities could tell you similar stories I am sure, just as rivers meander and change course, so do some countries.  When I say my Father was born in Stettin, Germany, it would be Stettin, Poland now. I am sure some customs are quite similar, but then some traditions are quite different.  Close also means there are a lot of "battles".  Battles for the border, battles for the right way to do things, the best languages, form of government, laws.  Close in proximity does not always mean "love" but could mean "hate".  

Similar to some family  mornings.

I heard him ask me to make "FRENCH toast", please.  I try to accommodate him, good breakfasts important to good grades and attitude.  Eggs, bread, cooking on the stove, while he showers, does some homework in the living room.  He comes at me, "I said "CINNAMON toast!"  First we argued, shouted at each other who was right, then decided: Ten years from now, no one would care, hugged and said, "Let's just forget we misunderstood each other this morning."

Two pieces of French toast sit, cold and uneaten on the kitchen table.  More important our relationship is sound.
Governments often do not understand this, it is important to have relationships first, everything else second in importance.  I recall the Berlin Wall.  Families separated.

Some families do not understand this.

Weslee says, "I think some families cannot forget when they misunderstand, and days later yell at each other, remember, 'You didn't eat my French toast!' or something."
 We do NOT hold on to grudges.  It makes you hurt inside.  It frees you to love and live the rest of the time with joy.

 After all it is people and their beliefs that institute the "border" and the "Country"  by which we live.  Looking at the world from Google Earth we only see features that create natural Borders.
