Pole Dancing

Feeder Watch has started and I am bird watching again, counting the number of birds visiting my feeders on Mondays and Tuesdays.  I bought lots of birdseed from Wild Birds Unlimited(I told you how nice it is, with cats and coffee!) and I sit at the kitchen table with Chester watching leaves twirl past the widow.  NO BIRDS!  The fluffy long-haired neighbor's cat sneaks by watching for birds, posing and trying to hide- how effective is that black and white on the dark mulch?  It stands out like a rain cloud on a sunny day.  He slinks off.
Brianna put blue lipstick on me yesterday.  I was not so happy.

Mad Mama Blue Lips

We were having a time together using make-up and brushing her hair.  I was explaining how the hair needs brushing 100 times to make the oils move from the base of the hair to the tips, and that washing would just strip the oils, instead of bringing luster to her hair.  I proceeded to brush her hair out, which I then put into a
French Twist. "If I had powdered sugar, we would have a sweet roll, a sugary confection!", I said.  
 "I always wanted to be in a beauty pageant!", she stated, swishing the purple velour blanket around her shoulders.  She gets on her purple crown, and   poses for her photos.  I think she has the poise to be in a pageant and win. 

Beauty Queen Brianna

"There is one thing, though, you might not be such a good loser...you woud trip the other girls, or snatch their crown, or do whatever to the judges, if it didn't go your way!"   Brianna laughs.  A wicked laugh.  I get an apple from the fridge.  A honey crisp apple, beautiful to look at, but, maybe, just maybe, ....  "I think I know what your talent will be.  You will perform the ballet of "The Evil Queen from Snow White"!

Evil Queen

In this role she will show her intense energy, her power, and her musical and ballet talents, while doing something many beauty queens cannot- be beautiful AND evil.  I think she is a winner!
Outside my window I have been observing NO BIRDS but squirrels doing acrobatics on the tube feeders, eating the seeds.  One squirrel is trying to chase the others away, thinking he is the alpha-male or super pole rat...
Chester runs out barking, chases them away for about thirty seconds, and they are back.  NO BIRDS!
8 am to 10 am.  Two hours without a bird.  I think I will grease the poles.  I have heard that might slow those pole rats down... Should I use my good bacon grease(I save it to make the suet cakes) or Crisco? I always keep Crisco in the pantry.   Or is olive oil or vegetable oil the correct thing to use?   I decide that Crisco has been one of my favorite cooking oils over the years, I use it for the finest pie crusts, cookies, and frying, I will go with it first.  I take a paper towel covered in Crisco, and up and down the pole I go, as high as I can reach, and then rush back inside, to see what the squirrels do.  They return, suspiciously jumping onto a nearby fence, smelling that wonderful cooking oil.  The trellis nearby is not close enough, and they cannot get to the feeders from there.  Alpha Squirrel finally tries to jump up the pole, notices something on his feet, and is not pleased.  He thinks about a second try, and this time he goes up as high as two feet, slides down and runs off- defeated. 
The feeders are empty.  No pole dancers, no birds, just leaves falling from nearby trees.  Time to get some coffee.
