Life moves in a Bee Line

It would be quickest to get from point A to point B following a straight line.  Geometry tells us that.  But if there is a mountain between A and B,  then it might be shorter to go around the mountain... well there you have it,  a simple statement  does not consider all eventualities...  and that is not so true, either.
But, I digress.
 My life is a Bee Line, such as a Bee flies a straight  line, and in patterns,  around and around, to get back home, and wandering off in search of honey.  No, I am not searching for honey.  I just want to use that idea, because I feel like nothing is predictable: everything seems to go like curly hair on a humid day. 
I have a son in the army, so smart, so bright, yet he now is living on a retirement check, and not doing as I had expected he would, given his abilities and potential.  His life journey is so far from where I expected him to be at this point.  His marriage was to a "broken" young lady, he divorced, and he doesn't see his son. I would never have thought this would happen to his son, what happened to him.

Another son called Saturday, that I have not spoken with in a long time.  We had a  long talk, deeper than I recall we had ever had.  He shared that he had  a friend in the army that had welcomed him into his family, and that is where he goes on holidays.  He feels a "real" member of that Mexican-American family, and wants to be stationed near them in the future.  I am so proud that he has learned to choose and attach to a family, something I did not think he would be able to do.  "This family is a lot like our family, Mom," he adds.
 In this conversation he said, "I never told you this, Mom, but I love you."  I was floored.  This son, as a child, had been so unattached, so hateful, I would have thought he did not know the meaning of that word.  "I always loved YOU!", I answered.
Life moves in a Bee Line, never as you expect- because it is in the last closet of your soul that you find for what you had been searching.
He tells me is is going to Korea.  That is so just and right.  He loves mixed martial arts, and he was always wanting to travel to Japan(NOT that Korea and Japan are anything alike, just that it fulfills some sort of directional pull to that part of the world he has always felt).  Maybe it is because he has almond eyes, used to tell everyone he was part Chinese, or maybe his desire to become a ninja.  He has now a chance to meet with a new culture, new language, and to actually experience what he had so longed for as a child.  He has started a life journey by going into the army, but he will arrive at his childhood dream of being on the other side of the world.
I have  found that when you finally decide NOT to search for what is lost or misplaced, you often find it.  The keys seem to turn up after you have given up.  You buy extra scotch tape, then find in which drawer someone put it.  Almost certainly when you chase the dog, it runs away, but if you run away from the dog, he turns and catches YOU!
