Coupon Issues

In my years on this earth one of my many failures in life has been with the issue of coupons.  Maybe I am not made for the  quick save genius of the coupon, not even the long term coupon.  Sometimes I barely make it to the store to get what we need for the next meal.  Watching the show "Extreme Couponing" I decided to turn over a new leaf.  I did not want to become a one room stock pile hoarder, I already have enough junk stocked up from the past, but just a bit of groceries in advance would be an improvement.  Especially if I could save on the grocery bill, that would help greatly in these hard times.
First I bought the Sunday paper, to get a supply of coupons.  I went online, and printed out a few coupons.  Then I saw that certain stores had sales on some items.  HUMMMMMM.  The sales on the items I needed, or used regularly had coupons in papers from a few Sundays ago, not the one I had bought.... I could see that this was a situation where I would have to...SAVE a large amount of newspapers, organize them in a way that I could find a certain coupon again, once I needed it...a plan of attack was needed.  That is where the "Date and Stash" had to be started.  Now where to put all these Sunday papers?  No room for that... so they went onto the coffee table for now...
Papers cost WOW $2.25 each now, I am shocked!  I hope I can get that back in coupons...It says $220 worth of coupons inside...but I don't use what they have.  At least not this week.  If I bought all the products, I would be poor.
I went to the store and without coupons bought the regular- did see Skyline on sale, 10 for $1.99 each, with a $5 rebate- that is the cheapest ever, but no coupon involved, and tuna for .67 each.  HUMMM.  Maybe next week I'll use the coupons. Sunday bought another paper, I have to figure out how to effectively organize Sunday paper inserts so I can find them when I need them.  I can't just let them fly all over the living room.  Already dropped them twice, and mixed everything up.  If I could just get this organized.
There is an insert in the Sunday paper advertising a cheaper price for the papers, if you have them sent to your home, where the cost goes WAY DOWN...  but first let us see if we can recoup the cost of the first month's worth of Sunday papers. ($2.35 X4=  $9.40)

Going through the second set of inserts is not promising.  I intend to pass on the soup and onion coupons for the Thanksgiving feast to Parmisan, who usually makes that green bean casserole.  Let her save the cents.  There are a few coupons for the rolls and breads, but I am sure I will bake homemade bread, and homemade pumpkin bread with zucchini,  cook down fresh cranberries, make fresh mashed chestnuts.  There are no coupons for that.  Aha!  A coupon for stuffing I could use!  Great!   25cents off!  But I am skipping all the dairy products, since I just found I cannot tolerate dairy, so all those are out.
Slim pickings this week, but maybe next Sunday.  There is one for hair coloring.  I am a little gun shy on that, ever since Parmisan turned my hair purple(see blog: I Guess You Should Know It All), but we could go red this time.  I saw Florence and the Time Machine on TV and I think I could go with that image.  I need to go a little more young and crazy.
Parmisan is ridiculing my attempts, texting her friend,"I bet Christy you would not make it through the first month with your new hobby!"
I respond solemnly, "Oh ye of little faith..."
