Skype with a kid

So I just returned from a trip out west, visited both my adult kids(what a contradiction in terms...)and went to Skype with Weslee who is visiting his Aunt Chris in Wales.  We had set up to Skype around noon my time, which is supper their time... because it is 8 hours different.  Aunt Chris goes to get Wes once the connection is set up.  Weslee has learned military time while traveling.  He tells me what time it is, "It is 18 hours, Mom, now."   It is quite amazing how easy it is to see and speak by computer.
Wes is all smiles when he sees me, but the first thing he wants to see is Chester.  Where is the dog..."I'll get him."  I put him in front of the blue light and he sniffs the screen.  Weslee talks to him, but the dog does not register recognition.  "I think he needs to smell you."  Weslee moves close to the screen and touches his ear to the computer.  "That won't work, Wes.  No matter how close you get, smells don't transmit."
"Chester looks cute.  His nose is big. his hair is cut, but it is long.  I like it." 
"I had him groomed at another place, and she left some longer hair around his face and eyes.  She thought it made him look cuter."  Weslee is waving back and forth.  He reminds me of Stevie Wonder, singing and swaying.  "What are you doing?  Stop that..."  He starts to look into the screen, looking into his mouth, then moves his tongue from one side to the other.  He draws close, so close I can see his curls.  "You need to pick your hair more." 
"I do." 
"Not there.  I see peas and curls."  He looks closer.  "I have a bald spot."  I remind him to pick there, and he would not.  He wants to know how the Bengals did in their last game.  He did watch some Rugby, but did not get the football scores where he is. "Next time we Skype, I'll give you their score."
He waves an arm in front of the screen, then with his mouth closed pushes his tongue on one side then the other.  I mimic him.  He does his "mime" act, like he is in a box.  "Did you get to see a mime in Paris?"
"No, but there was a dude that acted like a statue.  I did not know he was a dude until he blinked.  Dad took a picture with me and the statue dude.  I also saw a Ferrari, and we took a photo." 
"I'm sure glad you took photos of the important things in Paris."
"Its raining here, and the kindergarten bus just passed by.  I just filled the hummingbird feeder but haven't seen any hummers here. "
I ask him what town he is near.  He calls to Chris who gives me the co-ordinates to google earth.  HR5 3ND,  where they are in Wales!!!! So excited to see the place they are staying near the border of Wales and England.  We will talk again tomorrow.  Just hope we do more than a Stevie Wonder next time.
