Big Bear

No, I did not see a big animal or get scared by one in my path.  My daughter lives in a wonderful area of California where there are two communities near one another, at the top of the mountains, circling a beautiful lake, one called Big Bear City, the next Big Bear Lake.  She and her four sweet dogs, Peri, Hope, Lilly and Rainbow,  were my hosts, and let me throw balls for them, let me stay in their house, in the mountains.  I enjoyed seeing the rabbit, Cornflakes amble about, while we did crafts with friend Wendy, and watched her friend Amy entertain with song and guitar music.  Amy made a dynamite eggplant Parmesan, which is to die for!  I intend to make some for my kids, whether they like it or not, since I believe they will end up liking eggplant the way it was prepared.  I am so pleased that Amy did get the part she tried out for in the dinner theater, since she did so well when she performed for us that night.  Annalisa also worked the days I was there, so I was able to get some rest, remember the time is three hours different than here.  I went to do some bird watching, at a swamp area.  There were many coots and ducks, and I had hoped to catch a glimpse of the resident Eagles, George and Gracie, but merely saw an osprey.  One day we went to the Discovery Center, and the bird feeder from the back veranda was teeming with birds:  chickadees, a stellar jay, nuthatches, house finches and goldfinches.  Everywhere you could see vultures circling. 
House construction is quaint, and reminds me of the cabins built to conform to mountains and ski areas everywhere.  Inside her cabin there were sticks on the trim on the light fixtures, on the medicine cabinet,  or the towel racks, and around the windows.  Quaint.  The porches had seats built in, with cedar steps and overhangs.  For winter each cabin needed a stockpile of firewood, and Annalisa got her permit to gather firewood while I was there.  The fireplace was the main heating source for most cabins. 
Annalisa invited some friends for supper, and impressed me with her health conscious eating habits.  Her dogs were also fed nutricious foods, and taken on walks up the mountains in the mornings.  The yard was fenced in so that they had a place to play during the day.  I was blasted  by the beauty of the area every time we went out.  Mountains, lake, blue skies, fresh air, it was lovely.  I was sad to go, and so happy to have had this chance to see what my daughter does and how she lives each day in this fresh and friendly land.
We talked a lot about her yoga classes.  She was going twice a weeek to teach yoga, and wanted her classes to be challenging, but also worthwhile to the different levels of yoga students.  One class would be "restorative" and the other"active".  When she called me after I had left to visit my son, Jason, in Arizona, she was so excited to tell me she had 9 students in her restorative class.  Afterall, I say, her grandmother had a thriving business, built it by herslf, and what says she does not have the same determination and inate power to do the same in Big Bear?  I believe she does, and will.
