And the reason is?

Weslee celebrated his birthday and early the next morning,  I picked up football equipment with 4 other young men in the car.  They were baking the cake, icing it with butter and sugar, eating 4 pizza's and swimming til 4 am, Jim said.  Then I picked them up at 9 am.  They stand in line waiting for the football equipment, and I remind Weslee he insisted he wanted braids, letting his hair grow- an Afro like the old days.  I comment, "Isn't it time for a haircut?  It will really be hot and hard to wear long hair under the helmet!"
"OK, mom"  "Then we go this weekend, get it ready for Tuesday, when you wear the helmet the first time to practice!"
And the football Moms stand in the hot sun, waiting to have kids fit into helmets and gear, and talk. 
"I bet he's read all of 15 minutes all summer!"
 "Well I make mine read 15 minutes a day, and he only gets to play video games for one hour.  Then all I hear is 'I'm bored', even when I suggest something or tell him to read, he will NOT read!!!"
 " I  make mine look up a sports person on Wikipedia and read.  That is the only way he reads, finding out about some sports facts."
 "Well, if I tried that, and wasn't watching every minute, he'd be playing a game the minute I turned my eyes away!"
 "Well I do stay right there at the computer with him, and watch.  It's not like I go far away.  Sometimes while he reads, I get out a book and read, too."  And so we discuss important issues, the sun beats down, we go sit on the stadium steps, "Oh that breeze feels good!!", and we continue to wait.  Shouts of: "You got EVERYTHING??"  After we left three of the boys ran back- forgot the belt or the tooth guard, or some other thing...
"I got lots of money-, can we go to Gamestop and get a game for my XBOX?", Weslee states with eagerness.  
"Not right now..."
I drive kids back to the pool, where Jim continues to supervise those who want to swim.  I have a little more alone time, and get some laundry done.  I never get it "done" or "finished", always more.  The cycle of life in underwear...
What will Wes have for a snack right now?  He demonstrates three types of pitches-"How should I pitch next year?" 
"I like the second one.."
We practice his football catch, with a soccer ball in the kitchen, with his helmet and shoulder pads on.  He runs into the living room, I throw it, he turns as Chester barks and tries to bite him. Chester as the opposing team(Black and curly) is very scary.  Most tackles don't bark and bite, whereas Chester jumps and runs really fast!
Bedtime, and I can return to writing.
I am not modest.  Afterall I am beyond that, after 50 years I am really used to how I look in all kinds of weather.  I do have pity on others... screams by children pierce my ears, "You burned my eyes!!!! You aren't dressed!"   or   "Your door isn't closed!"   or "Why didn't you tell me why you closed your door???"  "Because I was getting dressed, dear!"
So visits to the Y are far from pleasant.  I went to the Y water exercise class this morning.  I think they should have an old people's room, for the baggy and saggy boned ones.  The youngsters with "little ones that stare" should be grouped together with those bodies that set an example for them, where parents can say, "That my dear is the body of a MAN, or a grown WOMAN",   and not have to wonder how to explain the wrinkles and scars that occur on the aged ones.  For me, I had issues at the Y this morning.  First, I rush out of the pool, straight to the bathroom.  Walking fast on wet floors is no fun, and getting out of a wet suit is tricky.  I do the job, but then, wanting to get to a shower, I decide, might as well just wander out in the all together...Second,  Can there PLEASE be no delicate eyes around???  I stick my head out the bathroom stall.  The coast is clear- talking in the other room, and I use the towels and clothes I have as a front shield (I KNOW you've been there) but my "bum" is the ugly part...I open the door wide enough to step out and look for the showers.
 I'll brb. (Weslee will curse me, he warns if I don't "tuck him in").
Again I could care less about being seen by little old ladies, I just don't want to "burn" the innocent eyes of little ones who might have nightmares or forever be wondering about "What are those things hanging down?" I hurry into the first shower to find out it has NO water.  Oh well, we need to move, and again the same proceedure, first I peek around, then move a couple of items, then I rush over to another shower stall, hoping it has working water.  It does, I shower and dress, and I am OUT OF THERE.
 I have showered and washed hair about eight times in the last few days.  I believe the color of my hair may fade a bit more quickly the more often I wash.  (See blog "I guess you should know it all...")
Earrings that match my new hair color!  thanks to Liz!

Today Wes finally got the short haircut.  It was later this afternoon and by the time we got home, Liz was there.  We opened an envelope she had received from Earjeans, and WOW.   She had ordered those fabulous earrings I had insisted she get to match my hair!
Really lovely, and they do not bother my ears at all- what I mean is, I usually have itchy ears, or the metal bothers me.  Not these!   I wore them 8 hours today, the first day, without a problem.  Love them!
And I finished another book- After I finshed "State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett, I read Ken Follett's "Third Twin".  Both books I thoroughly enjoyed, although today's books have a lot more of the violence-action than I easily take.  I often stop reading, and take a breather, decide whether or not I can continue.  I think I have triggers that take me too deep inside myself, and I truly feel the parts that may be hurtful.  I take them easy, or I skim those parts.  I wonder if other readers do that, too.  I also finished Ken Follet's "World Without End" a few weeks ago.  It was entrancing.  Again parts were very violent, and I had to put it down to be able  to continue.  I am intensely touched by all I read.  I associate with the characters of the story, and somehow feel what they feel.  I get lost in their lives.  But Emma Bovary I'm not!
So I've started another book, and wish you would suggest to me what you enjoy reading.  I'm not sure we will ever read the same books, because we are interested by such different topics, we are moved by different types of writing, and we all read for different reasons.  So the reason you won't read what I like is that our purpose for reading is so different- like night and day!  But still, let me know what you find is a great experience.  Great reading is one thing that we all want to share, right? That is why I shared my latest three exceptional books with you.


  1. Read the hot zone. *very* interesting!

  2. This is awesome! Those fit you perfectly (I am almost in tears...) I love it :) Liz is an amazing friend and I am so glad I met her and now you, Conni!


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