Adirondack Sightings June 2011

We always see lots of deer in the Adirondacks.  This summer was no different.  We also saw some turtles coming out of the water, and a baby turtle at Moss Lake.  We saw osprey at the island at Moss Lake, and a crayfish there, at the shore line.  At the new Arts Center at Old Forge there were a mess of tadpoles in the standing water at the front entrance.  It is an ecologically built structure, and I believe the water is rainwater from the roof, but somehow the frogs must have gained access.  It is dammed at one end, so it cannot run off into the lake.  I believe it will make a great breeding area for the mosquitoes, also. 
One of the best sightings was when Jim and Weslee went to see "Kung Fu Panda" at the Strand in Old Forge.  On the way back, at the Mirror Lake, where Betsy used to live, years ago, they saw a mother black bear with two cubs crossing the street.

 One cub climbed the pole, and the others ran across the street.  They could not get any photos, since it was too dark and the street was not safe to stop.
I saw a mallard fishing at big beach, and we saw minnows everywhere.  Weslee and Jim saw a bass guarding a nest before they moved the little dock to where it is supposed to be.  Once it was moved, the bass was gone.  Robins and Seagulls seem to be plentiful, as well as grackles.  Everyone heard and saw loon both at Moss Lake and at the island at Fourth Lake.  As a child I recall hearing loon, but seldom saw them.  Are they less shy now?  Or my perception of how to spy them better?
I visited with Bella, Betsy's dog, and Duchie, Barb's dog, and saw a few dogs enjoying the water.  Annalisa implored me to bring Chester along next time I come.  He needs to enjoy water more, instead of having another thing to scare him.  I wonder if Monk could understand this dog?  We do have those really nice dog kennels in the yard for dogs, so it would work.  I wonder if Annalisa thought about dog nails on that new flooring...
orange hawkweed
Far most of what we noticed in the woods in June was black flies and mosquitoes, no see'ums and bugs that you want to get away.  Annalisa bought hats with netting to cover your head, which I did wear a couple of times.  At least it is cool, so that you are not dying with heat, too.  I think we enjoyed the flowers that we usually do not see, the blue lupine, the white ground cover(?), and orange hawkweed.  Additional flowers cover the fields later in the summer.

venus fly trap

pitcher plant

I did not get to Ferd's Bog this summer, but the others did.  Wes and Annalisa were so excited about seeing the bug eating plants, and the bog itself.  It is exciting the first time you see it all.
