Panic Attacks and Heart failure times Three
The first mistake was calling the Social Security Administration and asking if I qualify for certain "benefits". That word is misleading, since the idea is if there is a social security law that says you have a right to a certain fund or amount of money, there should not be a question about this in the first place. As a retired person with minors in the home, I did qualify, and someone added up the amount, and sent me monthly checks. Each year I had to show how those amounts were spent for the children under my roof. .
The second mistake was calling when one child turned eighteen. I had received another check. I knew that was wrong. "Please take him OFF your list. He just turned 18. Tell me if I should return the check, or rip it up. " No one ever called me back or told me what to do. I cashed the check, and spent it on the child for his birthday. His checks stopped.
Two and a half months later three letters from the social security administration arrive. First letter: 2004 to 2011We overpaid you $9,370. You need to repay us in thirty days. etc...etc....
Second letter: 2004 to2011 We overpaid you $9, 325. You need to repay us in 30 days....etc...etc....
Third letter: 2004 to2011 We overpaid you : $8, 975. You need to repay us in 30 days...etc..etc...
I felt like I would die. Panic Attack, because I never asked for a handout! I tried to get someone one the phone for information why these was sent to me. The person on the phone was specific. "I can either give you a phone consultation or make an appointment for you at the Federal Building." I asked again why these letters were sent, what information this was based on. "If you want a phone consultation we can schedule that now." I pointed out that the letter required a written form for request to reconsider this determination. "I can send you those forms." Well, I thought, if I need those forms regardless, why don't I just get an appointment and go to the Federal Building to see my tormentors face to face? "First appointment available, hummmmmm Friday, June 27, 1:30 pm." Two weeks away, but what could I do? I took it. Needed to figure this thing out!
With other things going on...end of school, Ballet performances, Ballet recital, just a few things on my mind... this was just short of "go crazy" time... I gathered everything I could think MIGHT be significant in this situation- Papers that show I am the parent of three minors AND retired- ie, adoption papers, ss numbers, birth certificates, divorce decree, letters about money owed, anything else? I'm staying up nights second guessing WHAT possibly the social security administration is thinking WHY I should not have these benefits for the three children that were at the house. Should I bring affidavits from neighbors? School report cards? I don't know because they would not tell me anything....
Finally the day appointed arrives. Liz agrees to drive me downtown, because I cannot find a parking spot, park, walk that far, and manage the appointment without heart failure. She drops me off in front of 550 Main Street. I know I am in trouble Immediately, when the guard at the entrance says, "ID, please," and I have no wallet. Of course, I was not driving, I did not check for my wallet, I just have a purse full of everyone else's I.D., social security cards, you name it, but my OWN!!!!!!
I become frantic, grab my cell, and call Liz, "Liz!!!!Run Home, find my brown wallet, with my driver's license, come right back, I can't even GET INTO THE BUILDING WITHOUT IT!!!!!!!!"
The guard comes back, and calmly says, "Oh, that's all right, ma'm, you can just sign in when you enter. You don't need it." I call Liz back. "It's okay. Forget it..."
I set off the metal detector...Knee replacement. I have to show it- the wand thing, too, and show my other leg... and sign in. Then I am getting into the wrong elevator. "Lady, you want a blue one, it goes to the second floor..."
Good thing I arrived early, because by now I am exhausted and need to go to the bathroom. I use the touchscreen to sign in. The "guard" asks me to "have a seat", but I ask for the bathroom key. "Driver's License, Please." I'm sure he wondered why I looked at him in a strange way. I had no plans to drive while on the potty, or even to "park" for any amount of time. "I don't have it with me" I answered. "State ID is okay," he says. I was wondering why they would ID and fingerprint me for going to the bathroom! "Don't have one, either", and he looked puzzled at me when I replied, "Guess I won't go!"
"I have a cell phone!" "Not allowed to take those!"
The guard was smiling, "We have a Plan B!" He did not realize what stress I had been through to get to this moment. He walked around the desk, and to the restroom with a the the key attached to a long stick in his hand. He unlocked the door, "This would be in California a dozen times by now if we did not have a way to get it back!" I thanked him. A few moments in the restroom, and then I wait for my turn to go to WINDOW X......dadada DAHHHHHHHHHH
A young man, tight lipped, thin and about thirty at the most, asks me for my driver's license.
He wants to know what taxes I want to pay. He asks me why I am there. He starts over when I show him my THREE LETTERS.....
your mother's maiden name...
birth date
father's name
where were you born
the secrets of my identity......
His fingers type nimbly back and forth on his keyboard, and his eyes dart over pages of information. I don't say much. I wait for his comments. He says there was an overpayment. I ask him what was the problem, he says, they made a mistake in the computation, and I was paid too much. That is all. If I dispute this, I need to fill out some forms. I ask again, on what grounds is there a mistake? The children were at my house, do they not believe this? Is there a problem with them receiving benefits? What is the issue? He says there needs to be paperwork filed before there can be any consideration of the case. I do not even get one piece of the items out of my purse to show him that there are really "children" in my house. I just take the forms and go. I ask if they suggest lawyers for these cases, and he mentioned "Legal Aid". I guess that all the rest of the work will be in debating the considerations after the facts. I cannot think that this is the right way to work any office. Should not all the facts have been gathered corrected, FIRST, so that mistakes are avoided, and then the paperwork would be correct? Someone did not follow the correct form, and I ended up with incorrect sums of money, which were verified each January first. At that time it should have been checked. There was a verification form which I filled out, that I sent in for each child that they received each year. Did they not receive that? I cannot believe with all this checking, they do not know what they are doing. Now between the years of 2004 to 2011 they say I was overpaid. I did not write the checks. I did not verify the payments Someone was the overseer who processed these and found these on a chart. There must be others that also believe this is correct and follow this reasoning, or I would not have this situation. I will now have to figure out how to work again or increase earnings, because I no longer have this "security" to depend upon. This is definitely not a "benefit"!
The second mistake was calling when one child turned eighteen. I had received another check. I knew that was wrong. "Please take him OFF your list. He just turned 18. Tell me if I should return the check, or rip it up. " No one ever called me back or told me what to do. I cashed the check, and spent it on the child for his birthday. His checks stopped.
Two and a half months later three letters from the social security administration arrive. First letter: 2004 to 2011We overpaid you $9,370. You need to repay us in thirty days. etc...etc....
Second letter: 2004 to2011 We overpaid you $9, 325. You need to repay us in 30 days....etc...etc....
Third letter: 2004 to2011 We overpaid you : $8, 975. You need to repay us in 30 days...etc..etc...
I felt like I would die. Panic Attack, because I never asked for a handout! I tried to get someone one the phone for information why these was sent to me. The person on the phone was specific. "I can either give you a phone consultation or make an appointment for you at the Federal Building." I asked again why these letters were sent, what information this was based on. "If you want a phone consultation we can schedule that now." I pointed out that the letter required a written form for request to reconsider this determination. "I can send you those forms." Well, I thought, if I need those forms regardless, why don't I just get an appointment and go to the Federal Building to see my tormentors face to face? "First appointment available, hummmmmm Friday, June 27, 1:30 pm." Two weeks away, but what could I do? I took it. Needed to figure this thing out!
With other things going on...end of school, Ballet performances, Ballet recital, just a few things on my mind... this was just short of "go crazy" time... I gathered everything I could think MIGHT be significant in this situation- Papers that show I am the parent of three minors AND retired- ie, adoption papers, ss numbers, birth certificates, divorce decree, letters about money owed, anything else? I'm staying up nights second guessing WHAT possibly the social security administration is thinking WHY I should not have these benefits for the three children that were at the house. Should I bring affidavits from neighbors? School report cards? I don't know because they would not tell me anything....
Finally the day appointed arrives. Liz agrees to drive me downtown, because I cannot find a parking spot, park, walk that far, and manage the appointment without heart failure. She drops me off in front of 550 Main Street. I know I am in trouble Immediately, when the guard at the entrance says, "ID, please," and I have no wallet. Of course, I was not driving, I did not check for my wallet, I just have a purse full of everyone else's I.D., social security cards, you name it, but my OWN!!!!!!
I become frantic, grab my cell, and call Liz, "Liz!!!!Run Home, find my brown wallet, with my driver's license, come right back, I can't even GET INTO THE BUILDING WITHOUT IT!!!!!!!!"
The guard comes back, and calmly says, "Oh, that's all right, ma'm, you can just sign in when you enter. You don't need it." I call Liz back. "It's okay. Forget it..."
I set off the metal detector...Knee replacement. I have to show it- the wand thing, too, and show my other leg... and sign in. Then I am getting into the wrong elevator. "Lady, you want a blue one, it goes to the second floor..."
Good thing I arrived early, because by now I am exhausted and need to go to the bathroom. I use the touchscreen to sign in. The "guard" asks me to "have a seat", but I ask for the bathroom key. "Driver's License, Please." I'm sure he wondered why I looked at him in a strange way. I had no plans to drive while on the potty, or even to "park" for any amount of time. "I don't have it with me" I answered. "State ID is okay," he says. I was wondering why they would ID and fingerprint me for going to the bathroom! "Don't have one, either", and he looked puzzled at me when I replied, "Guess I won't go!"
"I have a cell phone!" "Not allowed to take those!"
The guard was smiling, "We have a Plan B!" He did not realize what stress I had been through to get to this moment. He walked around the desk, and to the restroom with a the the key attached to a long stick in his hand. He unlocked the door, "This would be in California a dozen times by now if we did not have a way to get it back!" I thanked him. A few moments in the restroom, and then I wait for my turn to go to WINDOW X......dadada DAHHHHHHHHHH
A young man, tight lipped, thin and about thirty at the most, asks me for my driver's license.
He wants to know what taxes I want to pay. He asks me why I am there. He starts over when I show him my THREE LETTERS.....
your mother's maiden name...
birth date
father's name
where were you born
the secrets of my identity......
His fingers type nimbly back and forth on his keyboard, and his eyes dart over pages of information. I don't say much. I wait for his comments. He says there was an overpayment. I ask him what was the problem, he says, they made a mistake in the computation, and I was paid too much. That is all. If I dispute this, I need to fill out some forms. I ask again, on what grounds is there a mistake? The children were at my house, do they not believe this? Is there a problem with them receiving benefits? What is the issue? He says there needs to be paperwork filed before there can be any consideration of the case. I do not even get one piece of the items out of my purse to show him that there are really "children" in my house. I just take the forms and go. I ask if they suggest lawyers for these cases, and he mentioned "Legal Aid". I guess that all the rest of the work will be in debating the considerations after the facts. I cannot think that this is the right way to work any office. Should not all the facts have been gathered corrected, FIRST, so that mistakes are avoided, and then the paperwork would be correct? Someone did not follow the correct form, and I ended up with incorrect sums of money, which were verified each January first. At that time it should have been checked. There was a verification form which I filled out, that I sent in for each child that they received each year. Did they not receive that? I cannot believe with all this checking, they do not know what they are doing. Now between the years of 2004 to 2011 they say I was overpaid. I did not write the checks. I did not verify the payments Someone was the overseer who processed these and found these on a chart. There must be others that also believe this is correct and follow this reasoning, or I would not have this situation. I will now have to figure out how to work again or increase earnings, because I no longer have this "security" to depend upon. This is definitely not a "benefit"!
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