My Son the Black Assassin Ninja

Just around the time the Teenage Mutant  Ninja Turtles were popular my sons were interested in karate.  My youngest son at the time was also interested in Japan, and all things to do with Ninjas.  With almond shaped eyes he sometimes told friends he was Japanese.  He wanted to go to Japan.  I mean he was ready to leave home.  He studied his karate in his room, in the backyard, he looked pretty good, from the kitchen.  From what I knew about teenage turtles, I was impressed.  He had learned what the karate teacher (was he the dojo?) taught.  He loved the lessons, and in his white suit practiced constantly.  He begged for a BLACK costume for Hallow e'en.  He wanted to be a Black Assassin Ninja.  "How is that different from any other ninja?", this mother innocently asks.
"You secretly go and kill every one, and no one knows who it is because you do it at night in a black outfit." 
Obviously stories about "Peter Rabbit" and the "Little Train That Could"  were not impressing any one.
I found a McCall pattern at the fabric shop, bought black synthetic cloth, vinyl for some trim and boots, and started cutting.  He was overseeing the project.  The shirt was fastened with Velcro, so he could take it off and on himself.  There was a vinyl belt, cuffs, boots, and a breast plate.  The hood could be worn like a mask or open with the face showing.  It was an awesome costume, which he did not exclusively wear at Hallow e'en.  In fact, it seemed he wore it almost every other day and practiced his "moves" in it, waving a different tool or weapon through the air as he lunged and paced.

It was a regular event with our interesting family that we would visit the therapist during the month and discuss issues, often anger was at the forefront of our discussions.  At nearly every session his desire to be a ninja came up.  When we tried to discuss the logic of his leaving his home, he would have none of this.
"I know they have schools in Japan for Ninjas.  For Black Assassin Ninjas.  I have been practicing, and I know they will take me.  Just let me go.  I will be so good! "
"But you cannot leave your family, your school, your country!"
"Yes I can!   Ask the Foreign Diplomats.  They will help take me there.  They can sign me up in Japan, and the teachers will take care of me."
"You need a mother and a father to watch over you, when you are a child!  You cannot travel alone, it is not allowed.  You need to go to school, those are all things you do as a child, not go and kill people!"
"But I need to go NOW!!!!!"   He was shouting, angry that we were so unreasonable, and would not let him  go to Japan.
"But Aaron, you are only 9 years old!  When  you are older, you can choose all that you want to do."   This same conversation continued for years.
He would not be convinced.  He Yearned to leave the house,   insisting that we did not know what he could do at his age.  He has not yet been to Japan, but wore his Black Ninja suit for years.  I just let the hem out as he grew.   But he joined the army and now he's doing mixed martial arts which he loves.  He says he is quite good at it, which I believe.  He has been practicing for his whole life.
