Memorial Day for us

As a child Memorial Day was confusing.  I understood the idea that we were remembering the Men and Women that gave their lives so that we would have our Freedom.  I understood that soldiers had fought in wars to preserve those freedoms.  What confused me was the part about "Our Fathers, Brothers, Uncles, Sons, and Grandfathers".  My father was in WW2, and fought. Now I was in America, and a citizen.  I was proud to be free and understood what this meant, maybe a little more than the classmates I had that had been born to this.  Yet, I was afraid to ask, "Are we honoring MY Father, too?" 
You talk about those evil men on the "other" side, but they had families; they did not all think believe those evil lines;  they did not all act in evil ways;  Are maybe a few of our soldiers  "evil",  so that we need to be cautious about just seeing it all in black and white terms?
What about the after effects of the war?  The mine fields in countries, where even today children wander innocently and are killed or maimed by live mines.  What about families where members are taken prisoner or  still MIA never to be heard of again?
I think what we should be remembering, and cautiously, is that war in all it's glory, is afterall at times evil for all.  No family comes out unscathed, there are always  soldiers wounded, a town or city destroyed, a family innocent that will be hurt.  That is just what war is about.  That is why there are pacifists, who see the overall picture, and want Freedom to be, Freedom from War, as well as a way of life.
