Getting Green with Envy

Kermit is green, the grass is green, and the map where you get hits when some one reads the blog, yes it also is,  GREEN...
  Some day I want to open to the map of the stats page of my blog, and every country of the world will be bright green.... You will not even see the little lines between countries, you will only see the oceans around the continents and the waters between the island countries.  The blues and the greens.  That is all.

Interestingly enough when an entire country is light green, that may mean only ONE person has hit my blog.  It could even mean an accidental punch on the keyboard on the wrong place.  It could be intentional, one time, and that person could LOSE my address, and never find it again, look but not able to revisit when they  wanted to!
Maybe that person wanted to find my blog because they discovered they really knew me, or were related to someone in my family.  Russia is a huge land mass stretching from the end of Europe to China.  Maybe the one person that hit my blog in all of Russia is a person that knows me or my family.  Could it be they knew my Father?  The Father missing on the Russian Front in 1943?  Maybe they knew something about him or he told them something about his family?
What if one of my cousins is vacationing in Sweden or the Philippines, and wants to check the blog?  They might want to know what's happening at home.  Maybe it's just a complete stranger that clicked the wrong buttons and got this- stupid, inane words in a language they don't understand.
Why GREEN?   Did the blogspot think you were all green with eco-mindedness, or with envy? I think green works well with the land areas, however, and it darkens with the numbers of hits.
Tasha LaRae is in Germany on a tour.  I read her blog.  She will be there for a few weeks.  If she reads my blog, Germany will light up like a Christmas tree, a "Tannenbaum" in green.  I have a distant cousin in New Zealand.  He hit my blog the other day, and guess what- it lit up.  My brother lives in Honduras, and I get hit from there, and his co-worker's sister lives in Denmark, so guess where I get hits? Yep, Denmark.  If the blog get tweeted and passed around, it will even go further around the world.  I got hit this week from Isreal and India.  I know no one in those countries, so I am very curious who has hit me.  Can anyone connect the dots and figure out how they found my blogspot? 
