Rest in New Surroundings

I have been away.  My Mom had a home in Florida, and I went there to meet with my brother.  I stayed up nights going through photos, reading old letters mixed with empty plastic bags and ballet books.   First day tried to go through the bushes into the old driveway, and I was in a rented Kia Soul, with only 2300 miles on it.  Would I return it with scratches down the side?  I think not, although Tyll said, "Go ON, drive through the bushes you're fine, just go on, don't hit that little pink stick sticking up on this side." I did not.
The next morning we trimmed trees and bushes and raked. 
That night I decided I wanted to see what the Kitchen really looked like.  I wiped  counters off where the mice droppings were, dried bug shells, the dirt and dust covered.  I left several old lids, two plastic forks and 2  Starbuck Styrofoam cups, thinking they might have value to someone. Tyll made a fantastic breakfast of fried egg on rye bread, Swiss cheese, ham, with bacon, onions and green peppers on top.  We had lots of catching up to do.
He was helping a friend return home after a stay at the VA hospital.  He was putting up a railing, handrails in the shower and other help for his return home.  I cleaned a little while he was gone.  The Patio table was in need of cleaning, since it had weathered and we ate there.  The chameleons in the yard scattered when I raked, but the peace and quiet was delightful.  I went to the beach, walking and listening to the surf, enjoying the gulls squawk.
"Tyll, there is a water strider living in the toilet.  Even when you flush, he hides and comes out again."   Without  even blinking he replied, "His name is Al.  I've tried several times to flush him, and to kill him.  I think its best to let him be.  He doesn't hurt anything.  He just lives there and I have gotten used to him."
He also put out scraps of left over food out behind the shed.  We watched one night, and a thin gray cat came and ate.  It was probably feral, so wary was she.  This takes me back to when we were little because Tyll had so many animals.  They were not pets in the domesticated sense.  He took care of them, and would also let them go if they could have survived in the wild.  I have a few photos.                                                                                                             

         I recall someone dropped off a tame skunk without spray glands  in the park, and Tyll volunteered to take him, since he could not survive in the wild. I do not recall why the opossum came our way.   We had a Porcupine for quite some time in the backyard.  Porky had been injured and could not live in the wild, but he was NOT a house pet the way Stinkus was.

The albino ferret we also had in our house for quite some time, and I forget how he came our way.  The turtles, snakes, alligators, I don't recall.  It seems they just found us.
My stay in Florida was very restful, talking about old times, laughing and getting in touch with what's happening now.  Tyll still has a lot of animals in his house in Honduras.
Growing up Tyll stuffed every animal he could find, and our house,with animals  hanging from walls and ceilings, was quite unusual.  One cleaning lady would not enter his room, thinking some of those animals might not be dead- I think she was never sure which ones were not.  At one time he had a pet coyote in his room, Ocra was her name, but that is a story for another Blog. 
