My daughter, now in her thirties, had a tutor who also tutored Weslee. She is retiring, and called to say she would hand over a batch of educational games to our family she no longer needed. We waltzed home with a prize of boxes, so worn that you could see the generations of toy manufacturing pass before you. Wes beamed and wanted to show me how to play all these games, tonight! Othello was one of his favorites. If you know about our family, you realize he is African American, I am German, white, but German American. I guess you might say it would be wise not to play Othello with Weslee when you are that....WHITE.
"Mom, you are WHITE. I'm BLACK." WES begins to sing, "When you're Black, you never go back!" He starts to explain the rules. This is what the tutor was teaching him in class? Did he sing this in class? Or is this just for ME??????
He is jumping and swaying, dancing and playing. He flips the chips from white to black with a swagga that tells me he is in his element. With verve, I might add he is teaching me his game. He says, "When the whole board is black I win!" As I flip some over he moans. It is a fun game, I hope I am not hurting his pride by flipping them back. He yells out "You're prejudiced! that's racist!" Brianna appears, not sure at what all the yelling is about. "My hand hurts, my foot hurts." "Go to bed," I say. This is too much fun.
When we return the pieces to the box, he remarks, "This is a tournament deluxe size, Mom!" Yes, this is definitely a game made for our family.
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