I'm now a dangerous technogeek

In the past my surefire fix for computer learning or glitch repair was to yell for Cassy or Liz, who  often could help me push the right buttons or unscramble the gibberish.  I do have an extensive higher education, can read and speak French, English and German, have had a smattering of Latin, but it will come as no surprise that the vocabulary and language of technospeak has been a challenge for me.  
At first even double click items were new and difficult to do- cursors, icons, even "Help" was never any "Help".  I found the most trying element of computer work was the constant confusion of passwords, user names, and the need  for these, and the need to change them.  Why did I need to have a new name when my given name and last name seemed to be just fine while I went to school, worked, got married had children, but now suddenly, in the computer world it was not "safe" to use that name anymore.  And passwords for every mundane account you might have, with questions from what color your first bedroom was painted, to the name of your favorite pet- it just went on and on with details without which you could not play Bejeweled 3 Deluxe.   
These daysI feel so evolved , with my spill proof keyboard- yes I can dribble coffee onto my keys AND  harvest cabbage from my farm in United Kingdom(doesn't everyone play Farmville????).   
I pick a YouTube section- say I am watching American Ballet Theater  performing Giselle, Act 3, and I love the peasant Pas de Deux.  You should go and watch it- it is marvellous!  I email it on a link to Laura in Wisconsin.  She calls back and we discuss which part of the piece we what to "photo-chop".  We cannot dance the entire piece, it is too long for our young ballerinas, so we want, say only 3 minutes.  "Okay, I'll send you the first 3 minutes.  Go to the website and download it, " she tells me.  I am so into this, I wait and go to( meaning I click some buttons) the place she sends it.  Of course, I have made my job easier, since I made a toolbar, or special spot on my computer where I can find these more often used addresses.  I have to search a little, sometimes actually print up the name in a box and push the enter key on my keyboard(they don't call it a typewriter anymore!).
Once I can "Find" what I want I have to "download " or put it into my machine which is called a "hard drive"- It does not drive anywhere, but that's the name someone gave it... go figure. The trick is to put it somewhere where you know where it is, not just a random unknown place where the stupid "hard drive" picks, because it definitely will pick next to something like exe.798.plg.lsw3[[/9im.  with a similar name and you WILL NEVER find it.  So "rip" it to your music library, name it something catchy, like "Peasant PPD", and then SAVE when so asked.  Next you can check if it worked, and actually "Burn" a CD, which in normal language means, put a CD in the little slot, and copy the music from the computer hard drive so you can play it on a CD player.  I can swear to you, I send, rip and burn with some facility.  I  am so evolved.   One piece of advice, though, Help does not mean help in technospeak.
