For the Birds...

Soooo.....Liz waltzes in the house, about 9:30 am on Sunday morning and her phone is STILL on the fritz...what a pain...not Liz, the phone...although Liz can be at times, but it's really a pain when her phone goes out and I can't talk to her and she has to walk for an hour to get here. I'm busy making coffee, trying to wake up, because the coffee she brought is darn cold....can't deal with that! I need my hot coffee! Stupid bird feeders are empty and I have to watch my birds while I'm drinking coffee unless Chester chases them away...see Chester

...crazy dog who loves to chase away birds and squirrels at my Feeder. Birdwatching hasn't been very good this year. I attribute that to my birdfeeding neighbors that had a station nearby moved and no longer attract birds and I'm the only one in the neighborhood, so numbers have cut WAY down compared to last year and the year before. What else could it be?! Certainly not Chester! I'm sure that's what he thinks...I'm sure he thinks he's doing a great job. He can ring his bells at the door now, and bark at the squirrels and birds, and bark at me....what a crazy dog!

I've been crocheting like crazy. Finished a circular baby blanket. Pictured here on sofa. Chester immediately made it his own. There are always babies for blankets to be given to. Just have to find one who needs it. Now I'm working on a light green knit blanket using circular needles...see picture. It drives me nuts knitting blankets because I always end up making mistakes no matter how often I unravel and re-knit. I've done this for years and still make mistakes. WHY IS THAT?!? I have multiple college degrees and I still end up with mistakes in my blankets. Oh well, it's just for fun and no one notices but me.


  1. Is that a giant ballet slipper in the background? How did you do that?

  2. Yes it is a giant ballet slipper, Laura. It is one of the photo options provided by blogspot for the background. I helped Conni get it all set up yesterday.


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